Bishop Slams Partisan, Dangerous NDAA

December 8, 2020
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congressman Dan Bishop (NC-09) issued the following statement on the Conference Report of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2021.

I support our men & women in uniform, but this NDAA did a disservice to them, our national security & the taxpayer. I could not support it,” said Rep. Bishop.

The NDAA limits the Commander-in-Chief’s ability to control the troops—including bringing our troops home to stop futile ‘forever wars’ two decades later. It also keeps us from holding our allies accountable for their own defense. Somehow, it includes completely unrelated provisions that would cost small businesses over $570 million in annual regulatory costs. We don’t play politics with the military, yet that’s exactly what House Democrats did with this NDAA.

As a first-term Congressman, folks told me this bill must pass every year. An NDAA is critical, but some cynically manipulate the urgency of this bill to load it up like a Christmas tree & force us to vote for it. We need real reform in Washington, not a my-way-or-the-highway $700+ billion bill for the status quo while American families are struggling,” concluded Bishop.

The National Defense Authorization Act is an annual bill that authorizes the Department of Defense and limited parts of other agencies. The bill passed the House by a vote of 335 to 78 and 1 present vote. It now heads to the Senate for consideration. However, President Trump has said he will veto the bill if it comes to his desk in its current form.