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Please note: Due to browser FTP deprecation, users will no longer be able to access NCEI data via browser FTP clients. Users may access data via NCEI Web Accessible Folders and/or FTP client supported applications. We apologize for any inconvenience. See this document as reference. 

National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD)

An animation of NDFD data showing significant wave heights forecast along the western coast of the United States

An animation of NDFD data showing significant wave heights forecast along the western coast of the United States from February 23, 2013, at 00 UTC through February 26, 2013, at 00 UTC. This image was produced with the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) and ImageMagick.

The National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) is a suite of products generated by the National Weather Service (NWS) using data from regional NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Forecast products locally generated at WFOs are digitally entered into the NDFD. Additionally, forecasters at WFOs enhance gridded model data generated by NCEP and enter these data into the NDFD. The products in the NDFD are used by the NWS to make text, graphic, and digital products that are then made available to the public and emergency managers. The NDFD also provides data for commercial weather companies to generate their own products based off of NWS forecasts.


A single plot of NDFD surface relative humidity over the southwestern United States valid at 06 UTC on January 6, 2013

A single plot of NDFD surface relative humidity over the southwestern United States valid at 06 UTC on January 6, 2013. This data plot is the 00-hour forecast, or analysis. This image was produced by downloading one NDFD file through NOMADS and visualizing with the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS).

Access to NDFD products is available through the NCEI's model data services. For data prior to October 6, 2008, access is provided through the NCEI Archive Information Request System (AIRS). Requests are limited to one day at a time due to the size and processing required. AIRS access is recommended for users wanting to obtain many days of NDFD data.





Product Types

Product Grid/Scale Period of Record Model Cycle Output Timestep Data Access Links
NDFD Various Approx. ten years to present online Daily, various cycles Various HTTPS TDS
NDFD - By WMO Header Various 6Jun2004–Present Daily, various cycles Various AIRS
NDFD Daily Tar Files Various 6Jun2004–5Oct2008 Daily, various cycles Various


Data Usage Notes


Publication References


Miscellaneous Documentation



The National Weather Service (NWS) NDFD Home Page

NDFD Information Links at NWS

GRIB2 Encoding Details for the National Weather Service Digital Forecast Database

The National Weather Service NDFD GRIB2 Decoder