The Remains of the Day—Thoughts from the NDIIPP/NDSA 2011 Meeting

After spending the span of three days with 200 people committed to saving digital information, I was impressed with  some of the recurring themes in the presentations and conversations. Two main bits  of advice remain with me.  Digital content must be used to be preserved.  Extending the usable life of digital content is the main goal of […]

The “End of Term” Was Only the Beginning

The following is a guest post by Laura Graham, a Digital Media Project Coordinator at the Library. In late 2008, the Library of Congress, the California Digital Library, the University of North Texas, the Internet Archive and the Government Printing Office began the first collaborative project to capture and archive United States government web sites […]

Tending the Machines

The computers that store and serve our digital collections are multiplying rapidly to keep up with our escalating data demands. All the while the servers guzzle power, radiate heat, crowd bandwidth and exert an unprecedented burden on the power grid. During these tough economic times, as institutions scrutinize their operations for budget-trimming opportunities, they must […]

2011 NDIIPP/NDSA Partners Meeting: It Worked!

Our 2011 partners meeting concluded yesterday.  The theme was “Make it Work: Improvisations on the Stewardship of Digital Information,” and all the various pieces seemed to come together nicely in this, our sixth year of partners meetings. Truth be told, there was anxiety floating around the office as we planned the meeting.  Figurative–and sometimes literal–white […]

Kicking Off the 2011 NDIIPP Digital Preservation Partners Meeting

Today is the first day of the 2011 NDIIPP partners meeting. We are starting out with a bang: a keynote from Tim O’Reilly. Our other opening speakers are Siva Vaidhyanathan, Yancy Strickler, Micheal Edson and Aaron Presnall. When I think back to the first NDIIPP partners meeting six years ago,  two opposing thoughts rattle my […]

Carolina on My Mind: Marketing Digital Preservation

The following is a guest post by Victoria Priester, a 2011 Junior Fellow working with NDIIPP. During my first week as a Library of Congress Junior Fellow I was given the North Carolina Public Outreach and Education Project. The project’s objective was to send resources and information about personal digital preservation to public libraries, community […]

Digitization is Different than Digital Preservation: Help Prevent Digital Orphans!

The following is a guest post by Kristin Snawder, a 2011 Junior Fellow working with NDIIPP. “If it’s scanned, then it’s preserved, right?  I mean, it’s in the computer now so that’s all I need to do!” I’ve heard this response when I ask if something is digitally preserved and it raises concerns.  Lumping scanning […]