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Views of COVID-19 Studies Listed on (Beta)

Views of Listed COVID-19 Studies

Listed COVID-19 Studies

All COVID-19 Studies:
  • View By Country: 131
  • View By U.S. State: 51
At least one U.S. Location:
  • View By Country: 81
  • View By U.S. State: 51
U.S. Federal Funding:
  • View By Country: 30
  • View By U.S. State: 51

Listed COVID-19 Vaccine and Drug Studies

All COVID-19 Studies:
  • Vaccine Studies: 159
  • Drug Studies: 1348
  • View By Mapped Drug Name: 511
At least one U.S. Location:
  • Vaccine Studies: 34
  • Drug Studies: 427
  • View By Mapped Drug Name: 305
U.S. Federal Funding:
  • Vaccine Studies: 12
  • Drug Studies: 39
  • View By Mapped Drug Name: 129

Alternative COVID-19 Study Views

  • View By Intervention Type: 11
  • View By Eligibility Criteria: 4235

Summary of Listed COVID-19 Studies

The table shows the number of registered studies, countries, and U.S. Sites including Washington, D.C. retrieved by selected searches of COVID-19 studies.

Distribution of locations for COVID-19 studies registered on
Selected Search of ClinialTrials.gov1 Studies Countries U.S. States & Washington, D.C.
All COVID-19 Studies 4235 131 51
At least one U.S. location 967 81 51
U.S. Federal Funding 140 30 51

Summary of Listed COVID-19 Vaccine and Drug Studies

The table shows the number of registered COVID-19 studies that are either vaccine related or have at least one drug intervention. The table also shows the number of "mapped drug names"2 retrieved by selected searches of COVID-19 studies.

Vaccine or Drug COVID-19 studies listed on
Selected Search of ClinialTrials.gov1 Studies Vaccine Studies Drug Studies Mapped Drug Names
All COVID-19 Studies 4235 159 1348 511
At least one U.S. location 967 34 427 305
U.S. Federal Funding 140 12 39 129
2 Note: Standardized drug names automatically assigned by the National Library of Medicine based on drug names provided by the Responsible Party.