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Utility Navigation

Marine and Aviation Cyber Center

The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) Marine and Aviation Cyber Center (MACC), formerly the Information Management Division (IMD), is led by CAPT Joseph P Baczkowski.  CAPT Baczkowski is the NOAA Assistant Chief Information Officer for Marine and Aviation Operations.  MACC is responsible for establishing directives, technical standards and planning processes for OMAO information and technology resource management, enterprise architecture, information technology (IT) security, data management, local area network operations and delivery of client services. MACC manages OMAO's IT operations, develops and maintains custom software applications, and provides engineering project management for transition of new technology into the NOAA fleet.

CAPT Baczkowski can be reached via the following:


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Reviewed: July 18, 2018. Contact us with page issues.

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