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We calculate the COVID-19-induced poor by comparing poverty using the growth forecasts from the June 2020 and January 2020 editions of the Global Economic Prospects. We estimate that an additional 88 million people will live in extreme poverty in 2020 as a result of COVID-19 and that this number could rise to 115 million under the COVID-19 downside scenario with more severe economic impacts of the pandemic.  Read more.



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IDA: Our Fund for the Poorest

The International Development Association (IDA) aims to reduce poverty by providing funding for programs that boost economic growth.

High-Frequency Monitoring Systems to Track the Impacts of COVID-19

The World Bank and partners are monitoring the crisis and the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 through a series of high-frequency phone surveys.

Systematic Country Diagnostics

The SCD looks at issues in countries and seeks to identify barriers and opportunities for sustainable poverty reduction.

The Pulse of South Sudan

Through surveys, the initiative gathers data on poverty and also collects video testimonials from people on their living conditions.