Our website provides comment sections for you to share your ideas, concerns and observations on the Pushing the Envelope blogAudit Asks . . . Project Pages, and the Document Library . We review all comments before posting them online. While we will never refuse to post your comment based on your opinion, we will not post comments that are clearly off-topic or contain:

  • Questions or complaints about the Postal Service, including lost, stolen, or mishandled mail, that are unrelated to the content of our blog, audit report, or white paper topic.
  • Threats to individuals or groups.
  • Obscene, harassing or defamatory language.
  • Discriminatory language or hate speech targeting individuals or groups.
  • Personal attacks.
  • Spam.
  • Promotion of unrelated products or services.
  • Personal or sensitive information (e.g., phone numbers, email or physical addresses, tracking numbers).

We reserve the right to determine which comments are acceptable for posting on this public forum. To protect your privacy and the privacy of others we may redact personal information from your post, or delete the post if editing is not feasible. You have the option of posting comments anonymously, but if you opt not to, your login name and other account information may be displayed on our site.

We will not post questions or complaints about lost, stolen or mishandled mail that are unrelated to the content of the forum in which you are posting. The Office of Inspector General is a separate oversight entity with no direct control over mail delivery or Postal Service employees. Concerns about your mail or postal employees should be directed to Postal Service Customer Service online or by phone.

Although we anticipate (and welcome) discussion of fraud, waste, theft and misconduct, we will not post specific allegations in the comments. If you wish to report fraud, waste, or abuse in the operations of the Postal Service, please contact our Hotline. Comments alleging fraud, waste, abuse, misconduct, etc. that are unrelated to the blog, audit report, or white paper topic will be forwarded to our Hotline, but they will not be posted in the comments section. Allegations against specific low-level employees, even if arguably on-topic, will not be posted.

Finally, our comment sections may not be used to submit any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process. Except when specifically noted, any views or opinions expressed on this forum (or any other forums available via an RSS feed) are those of the individual. The posted comments do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General or Federal government.

About the Audit Asks . . . Project Pages:

This site provides a forum to discuss ongoing audits of the U.S. Postal Service, performed by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). We encourage you to share your ideas, concerns, and observations in the comments section associated with each audit project. You may also send any documents you may have concerning each individual audit to  auditprojects@uspsoig.gov.

About Pushing the Envelope blog:

We are sponsoring this blog to facilitate an ongoing dialog on relevant issues affecting the Postal Service. We intend to gather and enrich ideas from a large number of perspectives to address emerging issues and attack critical challenges facing the Postal Service. We will also use this tool to explore complex postal issues that are sometimes misunderstood.

We invite participation from Postal Service employees and customers, other Inspectors General, as well as colleagues from international posts and their audit and investigative organizations. Our goal is to add further value to the Postal Service, and we want to hear from you.

Comment Review and Posting

The Web is a 24/7 medium and your comments are welcome at any time. However, given the need to manage Federal resources effectively, we will review comments and post them from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. We will review and post comments submitted after-hours or on weekends and holidays as quickly as possible on the next business day. Please note that comment sections will be locked 12 months after the blog, audit report, or white paper is posted.

Media Inquiries

We ask that reporters send questions to the USPS OIG Media Office through their normal channels and refrain from submitting questions here as comments. We will not respond to questions from reporters in this forum.

Thank you for taking the time to read this comment policy and disclaimer. We encourage your participation in our forums and look forward to an active exchange of ideas