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GOES-R Series Satellite Data in the NOAA Big Data Project

The NOAA Big Data Project (BDP) makes satellite data from the newest generation of NOAA’s geostationary satellites, the GOES-R series, freely available through cloud infrastructures.

The Big Data Project is an innovative approach to publishing NOAA’s vast data resources and positioning them near cost-efficient high-performance computing, analytic, and storage services provided by the private sector. This collaboration combines three powerful resources—NOAA’s tremendous volume of high-quality environmental data, private industry’s vast infrastructure and technical capacity, and the American economy’s innovation and energy. The combination of these resources will create a market-driven ecosystem that promotes more cost-effective data publication. Please refer to the NOAA Big Data Project summary or the Cooperative Institute for Climate Studies NOAA Big Data Project Page for more information.

The cloud-computing platforms provide access to the following GOES-R series datasets:

  • Advanced Baseline Imager Level 1b Radiance Data
  • Advanced Baseline Imager Cloud and Moisture Imagery Products
  • Geostationary Lightning Mapper Level 2 Data
  • Advanced Baseline Imager Fire and Hot Spot Characterization Product

Resulting from the latest innovations in NOAA’s satellite fleet, these data products provide enhanced and timely information on atmospheric and surface conditions, including severe weather monitoring, cloud and moisture movements, lightning activity, and much more. As the Big Data Project continues, it is likely that more NOAA climate and weather products will become available through cloud platforms.

Cloud Infrastructure Platforms

Open Commons Consortium
Open Commons Consortium


Download the full period of record for GOES-R operational and provisional data from the Open Commons consortium Environmental Data Commons. OCC Data Access Documentation
OCC Announcement


Amazon Web ServicesAmazon Web Services

Download the full period of record from GOES-R operational and provisional data from the Amazon S3 Storage or from within the Amazon computing environment.
Amazon Documentation
Amazon Announcement
Amazon Example Scripts 


Google logo
Google Cloud Platform


Download the full period of record for GOES-R operational and provisional data from the Google big Query or from within the Google Cloud computing Environment.
Google Cloud Documentation
Google Cloud GOES-R Tutorial
Google Cloud Direct Data Access


Education and Research Support in the Cloud

Both Amazon Web and Google Cloud Platform offer free trials and grants for research and education. For each cloud service provider, there are two free trial options: 12 Month Trial including access to all cloud services and Always Free that allows access to limited data products, tools, and other services. Research and education grants are also available for students and faculty working with academic institutions through an application process. For more information about these opportunities, please refer to the links below.