Citizen Science

  • volunteers on dock

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by SERC

  • volunteer in salt marsh

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by SERC

  • volunteer measuring tree band smile

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by SERC

  • volunteer measuring sailinity

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by Carolyn Tepolt

  • Archaeologists in a unit

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by Steve Lonker

  • Hands measuring leaf

    Citizen Science at SERC

    Photo by Caroline Kanaskie

We couldn't fulfill our mission without a dedicated crew of volunteers. Some of our researchers rely on citizen scientists--volunteers who actively help out with research projects in the field or in the lab. Citizen Scientists work with researchers to investigate a wide range of topics including environmental archaeology, forest biodiversity, invasive species distributions, and water quality issues. They become partners in discovery, finding answers to new questions and getting an inside look at science in the real world. In return, the scientists are able to gather information on a much larger scale than would be possible on their own.

In the menu, you will find current opportunities for citizen scientists to get involved in SERC research. In addition to these ongoing projects, we also have lots of short-term projects. The best way to learn more about upcoming opportunities or events is to sign up to receive weekly emails from the program coordinator, Alison Cawood. Click here if you are interested in receiving weekly emails.