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Leadership Corner

Coronavirus updates: COVID-19 vaccines and guidance

Portrait: Emilee Blount speaking at an event.
National Pandemic Coordinator Emilee Blount

For the past 10 months we have learned so much about the effects of COVID-19, and I’m saddened to say that many of you have experienced this on a very personal level. Even though we continue to implement all of the best practices identified to slow the spread in our work areas, we are experiencing a significant increase in cases within our Forest Service family. This week, we exceeded 1,000 confirmed cases involving our employees, plus an unknown number of infected family members. We also lost one employee due to off-work exposure, and several employees have lost family members. Our discussions with employees and the data we have gathered indicate most of these cases are occurring off-hours within our communities and homes. I realize the significant efforts you all have made throughout the year, and I understand the desire to relax and spend time with your loved ones. However, I ask, during this holiday season, that you remain focused on those same best practices you have used at work—please do not let your guard down. Now truly is the time to remain diligent.

On a brighter note is the news of one or more COVID-19 vaccines becoming available before the end of the year. Many of you have asked about the Forest Service’s ability to get the vaccine, how it will be distributed and what the agency will expect from employees. While we don’t have all of the answers, we want to share with you what we do know, and we will continue to provide updates as information is received through USDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When a vaccine is authorized or approved in the United States, there may not be enough doses available for all adults. Supplies, however, will increase over time, and all adults should be able to get vaccinated later in 2021. COVID-19 vaccines may not be available for young children until more studies are…Read More

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