An official website of the United States government.

Green Power Partnership

Green Power Partnership Program Success Metrics

Since 2001, when the Green Power Partnership started, the program has made considerable progress in addressing market barriers to green power procurement. By offering technical resources and recognizing environmental leadership, the Partnership brings value to its Partners.

  • At the end of calendar year 2019, more than 1,400 EPA Green Power Partners were collectively using more than 61 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which:
    • Is equivalent to the annual electricity use of nearly 5.6 million average American homes. 1
    • Represents nearly 46 percent of the total voluntary green power market in the United States. 2
    • Represents nearly 2 percent of total annual retail electricity sales in the United States. 3

1 Based on calculations from EPA’s Green Power Equivalency Calculator.
2 Relative to total U.S. voluntary green power sales in 2018 as estimated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Status and Trends in the Voluntary Market (PDF) (30 pp, 2.7MB) Exit report.
3 Relative to total U.S. retail sales of electricity to ultimate consumers in 2019. Energy Information Administration’s Electric Power Monthly Exit.