National Guard


National Guard Bureau Office of Diversity and Inclusion (NGB-DI) improves force readiness by leveraging diversity and inclusion research and best practices to develop and provide guidance and direction to National Guard Joint Leadership. The NGB-DI oversees the creation and implementation of diversity and inclusion programs, policies and training and engagement across the 54 in the following areas:

  1. Implementing the Strategic Framework for the NGB Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.
  2. Developing programs and solutions for reducing and removing identified barriers that inhibit achievement and sustainment of diversity and inclusion within the National Guard Bureau and the National Guard.
  3. Assessing and reporting on effectiveness of diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives.
  4. Developing plans and programs for acquiring and managing resources necessary for implementation of NGB diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Joint Diversity Executive Council

The Joint Diversity Executive Council (JDEC) supports the Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB) as a principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding diversity matters for non-federalized National Guard forces.

National Guard Bureau Diversity and Inclusion

The National Guard's units and service members form the Combat Reserve of the US Army and US Air Force. As the connective tissue between our Military and almost every community in the United States, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the organizational readiness needs of our States and our country.

Contact Information

National Guard Bureau Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Ms. Shirley J. Copeland
Chief, Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Mr. Paul Grandpierre
Deputy Chief, Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Main Office E-mail
Phone: (703) 607-2201


Authority: Under the authority and direction of CNGBI 9651.01 and subject to the supervision and guidance of the Special Assistant to the CNGB on Diversity. Functions comply with intent of Executive Order 13583: Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.