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NWTEMC Tribal Partners

colville tribes
Colville Confederated Tribes

Coeur D'Alene Tribe
Coeur D'Alene Tribe

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians logo
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians

Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Cowlitz Indian Tribe

hoh tribe
Hoh Indian Tribe

Kalispel Tribe logo
Kalispel Tribe of Indians

Lower Elwha Klallam

lummi nation
Lummi Nation

muckleshoot tribe
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe

Nez Perce Tribe

Nisqually Tribe logo
Nisqually Indian Tribe

nooksack tribe
Nooksack Indian Tribe

Quinault Tribe
Quinault Indian Nation

Quileute Nation logo
Quileute Nation

Samish Indian Nation

sauk-suiattle indian tribe
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe

Scammon Bay Logo.PNG
Scammon Bay Native Village, Alaska

shoshone bannock tribes logo
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

Siletz Tribes
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

Snoqualmie Tribe
Snoqualmie Tribe

Spokane Tribe
Spokane Tribe of Indians

stillaguamish tribe logo
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians

swinomish tribe
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community

Tulalip Tribes

no website available
Upper Skagit Tribe

Council of Mekoryuk.jpg
Village Council of Mekoryuk, Alaska



Welcome to the NW Tribal Emergency Management Council

NWTEMC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization that was initially formed in 2004 as a consortium of Tribes in the Northwest region of Washington State to help Tribes participate in Homeland Security and Emergency Management preparedness efforts.

Currently the NWTEMC is composed of and serves Tribes in Washington, Oregon Idaho and Alaska for the purposes of information sharing and solidarity in dealing with homeland security/emergency management/public health issues as they pertain to Native Nations.

NWTEMC's Charter and other Incorporation-related documents can be found on our
About page.

Please look around our website. We are constantly updating and enhancing it, so if you would like to see something added please let us know. If you have training events, meetings or other events, we will be glad to add them to our Calendar. If you would be interested in joining NWTEMC please send an e-mail to:

 Resolution to Participate in the NWTEMC

Generic Sample Resolution to join the NWTEMC (in Word format):

NWTEMC Generic Resolution



There are three main areas that separate the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council and the National Tribal Emergency Management Council from all other EM/HLS groups out there:


The NWTEMC-NTEMC remains committed to Sovereign Immunity, assisting our Tribal partners with building infrastructure and internal capacity. There are many groups out there that want to come into the Tribe and be the Incident Commanders, the Incident Management Team, and the First Responders. We want to continue to help our Tribal Nations remain in the driver’s seat of the their own incidents, and the best way that we can assure this is to continue our work in the areas of sharing information, training, skill sets, resources and best practices.


We believe that Public Safety and Public Health are Trust Responsibilities of the Federal Government, and therefore, do not charge dues or membership fees to be a part of our organization. Although this makes sustainability difficult at times, we do not believe that our Tribal Nations should have to pay for what the Federal, State and Local Partners are receiving in the way of grants and technical assistance. Therefore, we continue to work hard on bringing grant dollars into the individual Tribal Nations, training opportunities to our Tribal Lands, and Technical Assistance to Indian Country that continues to help build our emergency management and homeland security programs, free of charge.


We are not a response organization. We believe very strongly in our mission:


To provide guidance and tools for member tribes to develop sustainable and all-hazard approaches to Emergency Management and Homeland Security, through an approach that emphasizes both inter and intra jurisdictional cooperation to maximize resources in mutual aid, training, exercises, planning, and equipping by sharing information and best practices.


Because we are a very small non-profit, we have relied heavily on consortium grants, specific contract work that is provided at severely discounted rates for our member Tribes and the private sector. This year, the NWTEMC has partnered with the National Joint Powers Alliance®, a national municipal contracting agency committed to serving our Members purchasing needs. We are both driven to provide efficient public service through contract purchasing solutions and other related programs. We are only able to do this as we work together, creating a unified purchasing alliance that is valued by both NJPA and the NWTEMC-NTEMC. We will now have access to more than 160 companies that have been vetted through this partnership. 



November 17th, 2016


The NWTEMC meeting will be held at the Stillaguamish Tribe's

Angel of the Winds Casino and Hotel


located at:

3438 Stoluckquamish Lane

Arlington, WA  98223


Special Room Rates have been arranged, just mention the NWTEMC :

The Stillaguamish Angels of the Winds Casino and Hotel

3438 Stoluckquamish Lane

Arlington, WA 98223


Call 360-474-9740 or 1-877-394-8210 for reservations

Draft Agenda For November 17th, 2016 Found Here

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You asked and we listened. We have found more ways for our members to continue to support the wonderful work that all of our Tribal Partners are performing on a daily basis. We have opened an EBAY store and a Pay Pal Account and will be selling equipment, materials and supplies for our membership. All proceeds will be donated to the NWTEMC so that the organization may continue to support our Tribal programs across the Nation. For added convenience, conference registration fees, purchases and all donations can now be instantly processed through our secure Pay Pal link below.  Don't forget to also visit us at eBay:

Favorite us on eBay




The NWTEMC is honored to partner with our Emergency Management partners and our Communities that make our work possible. We partner with eBay and PayPal to help raise additional donations to continue the great work that the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Coucil performs in Indian Country. Please help us to continue this most important work by clicking on the eBay logo above. Remember, all donations are tax decuctible and go to help our Tribal Nations throughout the United States.

With Warmest Regards,

The NWTEMC Board of Directors Thanks You.



PayPal Instructions: NWTEMC-NTEMC has partnered with PayPal to bring an easier donation and registration payment process to our membership and attendees. Just click on the donate button below and enter the purpose for your donation: for example, conference registration, vendor registration, tax deductible donation, etc. and we will take care of the rest. A receipt will automatically be generated and sent to the email address that you enter. Thank you, Stay Safe and Always be Prepared!

This DONATE button is also used for paying conference registration fees.