Welcome to THE NTEMC! *********************************************





Welcome to the National Tribal Emergency Management Council (NTEMC). The NTEMC is a long standing sub-committee of the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council bringing Tribes and Tribal emergency management organizations from around the Nation together to share information and best practices and to discuss public safety, public health and homeland security issues affecting those in Indian Country.


There are three main areas that separate the National Tribal Emergency Management Council from all other EM/HLS groups out there:


The NTEMC remains committed to Sovereign Immunity, assisting our Tribal partners with building infrastructure and internal capacity. There are many groups out there that want to come into the Tribe and be the Incident Commanders, the Incident Management Team, and the First Responders. We want to continue to help our Tribal Nations remain in the driver’s seat of the their own incidents, and the best way that we can assure this is to continue our work in the areas of sharing information, training, skill sets, resources and best practices.


We believe that Public Safety and Public Health are Trust Responsibilities of the Federal Government, and therefore, do not charge dues or membership fees to be a part of our organization. Although this makes sustainability difficult at times, we do not believe that our Tribal Nations should have to pay for what the Federal, State and Local Partners are receiving in the way of grants and technical assistance. Therefore, we continue to work hard on bringing grant dollars into the individual Tribal Nations, training opportunities to our Tribal Lands, and Technical Assistance to Indian Country that continues to help build our emergency management and homeland security programs, free of charge.


We are not a response organization. We believe very strongly in our mission:


To provide guidance and tools for member tribes to develop sustainable and all-hazard approaches to Emergency Management and Homeland Security, through an approach that emphasizes both inter and intra jurisdictional cooperation to maximize resources in mutual aid, training, exercises, planning, and equipping by sharing information and best practices.


Because we are a very small non-profit, we have relied heavily on consortium grants, specific contract work that is provided at severely discounted rates for our member Tribes and the private sector. In 2013, the NTEMC partnered with the National Joint Powers Alliance®, a national municipal contracting agency committed to serving our Members purchasing needs. We are both driven to provide efficient public service through contract purchasing solutions and other related programs. We are only able to do this as we work together, creating a unified purchasing alliance that is valued by both NJPA and the NTEMC. We will now have access to more than 220 companies that have been vetted through this partnership. 


Stayed tuned for so much more ahead as we bring in 2017 together!


To better facilitate the mission of the National Tribal Emergency Management Council, the NTEMC is organized into 10 Regions, based on the FEMA system of 10 Regions. Unfortunately Tribal lands do not fit neatly into the FEMA regions map.  Some tribal lands are located in 3 FEMA regions! But for now, as we began this process, we hope this structure will work best. Click on our Regions Tab at the top of the page to learn more.


contact us: info@ntemc.org


This site and Sub-committee is being developed by the NW Tribal Emergency Management Council, a consortium of more than 150 Tribes and Tribal Villages in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Alaska that has been working dilligently on Emergency Management for the past twleve years.


Interested in joining the monthly calls of the NTEMC? The NTEMC believes strongly that public safety is a trust responsibility and therefore there is no cost to join. For the purposes of sharing information and having a point of contact,  please submit a Resolution from your Tribal Governing Body asserting the desire to join the NTEMC in Emergency Management information sharing and best practices. Please see sample Resolution:


Sample Resolution to join NTEMC



Please visit NWTEMC at http://nwtemc.org


The National Tribal Emergency Management Council is very proud to announce

Richard Flores as our Director of Tribal Relations and Legislative Affairs.

To learn more, click here: http://nativenewsonline.net/currents/national-tribal-emergency-councial-names-richard-flores-director-tribal-relations-legislative-affairs/



To Contact Lynda Zambrano

Executive Director

Phone: 425-508-3967


P.O. Box 1162

Snohomish, Washington 98291

For more information about our Board of Directors and Lynda Zambrano click here:


Welcome to our new Blog. You can find us at:
Your Full Resource for What is Trending in Tribal Emergency Management

Join the conversation Today!



NWTEMC was proud to host the
1st and 2nd Annual National Joint Tribal Emergency Management Conferences

Northern Quest Casino and Resort
                            2014 and 2015



The Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council was proud to host the 1st  and 2nd Annual National Joint Tribal Emergency Management Conferences, a partnership of Tribal Nations, Tribal Organizations, Federal, State and Local agencies from all across the U.S. With five full days of offerings, these conferences were a showcase of some of the best Tribal Emergency Management work and Best Practices in Indian Country.


Our honored guests, distinguished speakers and featured vendors joined us for five full days of fun presentations, educational opportunities, and networking events that guaranteed to keep everyone talking about these conferences all year long. Lynda Zambrano, our Executive Director and Richard Flores, our Director of Tribal Relations and Legislative Affairs joined the Board of Directors in providing updates, current news and future goals of the NTEMC. Guest speakers presented information on planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. FEMA, the US Department of Homeland Security, EPA, US Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice were just a few of the partners that continue to support our work. 






You asked and we listened. We have found another way for our members to continue to support the wonderful work that all of our Tribal Partners are performing on a daily basis. We have opened an EBAY store and will be selling equipment, materials and supplies for our membership. All proceeds will be donated to the NWTEMC so that the organization may continue to support our Tribal programs across the Region. Visit us at eBay:

Favorite us on eBay




The NWTEMC-NTEMC is honored to partner with our Emergency Management partners and our Communities that make our work possible. We partner with eBay and PayPal to help raise additional donations to continue the great work that the Northwest Tribal EM Coucil and National Tribal EM Council performs in Indian Country. Please help us to continue this most important work by clicking on the eBay logo above or the Pay Pal logo below. Remember, all donations are tax decuctible and go to help our Tribal Nations throughout the United States.

With Warmest Regards,

The NWTEMC-NTEMC Board of Directors Thanks You.

PAYPAL and NTEMC Thank You

PayPal Instructions: NWTEMC-NTEMC has partnered with PayPal to bring an easier donation and registration payment process to our membership and attendees. Just click on the donate button below and enter the purpose for your donation: conference registration, vendor registration, tax deductible donation, and we will take care of the rest. A receipt will automatically be generated and sent to the email address that you enter. Thank you, Stay Safe and Always be Prepared!