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Montana USDA Customers Encouraged to Call Ahead to Confirm Local Service Center Status

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is temporarily restricting in-person visits for numerous Service Centers in Montana because of elevated rates of coronavirus community spread, but USDA employees will continue to assist agricultural producers with programs and services.

USDA is using a phased, data-driven approach to determine which Service Centers are open for in-person appointments. Field work, including conservation planning assistance, will continue with appropriate social distancing. While many of the Service Centers across Montana will be physically closed to visitors, FSA remains open for business. Throughout the pandemic, USDA work with producers has continued and the agency remains committed to serving our customers. All USDA Service Centers are open for business, and Service Center staff members from FSA and NRCS will continue to work with producers by phone, email, and digital tools like Microsoft Teams, Box, and OneSpan. Producers can learn more about how to leverage these digital offerings by visiting

Producers wishing to conduct business with the FSA, NRCS, or any other Service Center agency should call ahead to confirm and schedule appointments. More information on Service Center status can be found at, and contact information for local Service Centers is available at

From the State Executive Director

Our primary mission at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency is to assist Montana farmers and ranchers secure the greatest possible benefit from programs administered by FSA such as farm loans, commodity price support, disaster relief, conservation, or other available resources. The hard-working men and women of Montana’s 50 FSA offices are at the forefront of our efforts and remain the primary contact for program participation. We encourage you to speak with the staff at your local FSA office on how we can be of service. Our user friendly web site features the monthly newsletter and upcoming program deadlines, can help you learn more about FSA programs and services and help you locate your local FSA Service Center.

Best Wishes,
Mike Foster
State Executive Director

Montana FSA State Office

P.O. Box 670
Bozeman, MT 59771
Phone: (406) 587-6872
Fax: (855) 546-0264


Dec. 31: 2021 NAP Coverage Application Closing Date for Honey

Jan. 2, 2021: 2021 Acreage Reporting Deadline for Honey covered under NAP (or 30 days after placement of colonies). Please note that this is the final date that FSA can accept late-filed 2020 reports for these crops.

Jan 4: Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General Signup begins

Jan. 15: Deadline to sign up for the Seafood Trade Relief Program (STRP)

Jan. 16: 2021 Acreage Reporting Deadline Established Stand Alfalfa Seed, Fall Alfalfa Seed and Cherries. Please note that this is the final date that FSA can accept late-filed 2020 reports for these crops.

Jan. 30: 2020 Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) Application for Payment Deadline for timely filed 2020 ELAP notices of losses

Feb. 1: Final availability date for Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs) for prior year harvested peanuts, wool, mohair and LDP only for unshorn pelts

Feb. 1: Deadline for the 2020 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) Application and all supporting documentation

Feb. 12: Last day of CRP General Signup

March 1: Deadline for the 2020 Livestock Indemnity Program Application for Payment and all supporting documentation for timely filed 2020 LIP notices of livestock losses.

March 1 to May 14: 2021 CRP Spring Non-Emergency Grazing Period (prior approval required)

March 15: Last day of the 2021 ARCPLC Enrollment and Election Period

March 15: 2021 NAP Coverage Application Closing Date for all Spring Crops except Spring-Seeded Canola, Rye, Speltz, Triticale, Wheat and Mixed Forage

March 15: CRP Grassland Signup begins and will end on April 23

March 31: Final availability date for Loans and LDPs for prior year harvested Wheat, Barley, Canola, Crambe, Flaxseed, Honey, Oats, Rapeseed, and Sesame Seed

April 15: Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) producers with 2021 Perennial Forage intended for mechanical harvest or grazing are required to report their crop acreage 15 calendar days before the onset of harvest or grazing of the specific crop acreage.

April 23: Last day of CRP Grasslands Signup

May 31: Final availability date for Loans and LDPs for prior year harvested Corn, Dry Peas, Grain Sorghum, Lentils, Mustard Seed, Rice, Safflower Seed, Chickpeas, Soybeans and Sunflower Seed

July 15: 2021 Acreage Reporting Deadline for Annually Seeded Spring Crops, Spring Seeded Alfalfa Seed, Forage Seeding, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Perennial Forage not covered under the NAP, and all other crops not required to be reported by a previous reporting date. This is the final date that FSA can accept late-filed 2020 reports for these crops.

Ongoing: Contact FSA right away for notice of loss deadlines and disaster program requirements.

For more information, contact your local FSA office and/or visit

Are you interested in a Farm Loan through USDA Farm Service Agency?

For more information, visit FSA's Farm Loan Program website, USDA's or your local FSA office at

Conducting Business with FSA Electronically

With a USDA Customer Level 2 eAuth Account you can have one stop access to your USDA program participation information.

Visit the Online Services page for apps:

Montana Natural Disaster Designations - FSA Emergency Loans

The following map outline the Montana counties with USDA Disaster Designation Declarations. Producers have eight months from the date of the designation to apply for an Emergency Loan with FSA. For questions about eligibility and/or to apply for an Emergency Loan, contact your local FSA office to schedule an appointment with the Farm Loan Program staff serving your area. Cumulative Disaster Designation Map

Intertribal Agriculture Council Informational Sheet

FSA, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC) have developed an information sheet for Indian operators on Indian Trust Lands. For more information, visit

FOIA/Privacy Act Requests for FSA Records

To submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and/or a Privacy Act request regarding Montana FSA records, you may contact the record keeping FSA state or/and county office. For questions on FOIA inquiries with Montana FSA, contact FOIA Officer Jennifer Cole at (406) 654.1333, ext. 117 or


For questions regarding the Montana FSA Website, email the Webmaster at or call (406) 654.1333, ext. 117.