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Health Highlights

African American woman walking outdoors.

Walking: A Step in the Right Direction

Have you been thinking of adding more physical activity to your life? Starting a walking program may be a great way to be more active.

Illustration of a woman having chest pains.

Can You Recognize a Heart Attack or Stroke?

How would you react to a medical emergency? When it comes to life-threatening conditions like heart attack or stroke, every minute counts.

A closeup of a woman's eye

Tips To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Learn how your eyes work, watch a video on why a dilated eye exam is important, and browse tips for healthy eyes.

Illustration of a man having arm pain while wiping a mirror clean.

Protect Your Tendons

Tendinitis is a painful condition caused by overusing and straining the joints in your body. Learn how you can prevent and treat it.

Featured Tools

EatPlayGrow — This health curriculum can help children ages 2-5 and their parents learn to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices. The interactive lessons were developed by combining the latest science and research from NIH with the Children's Museum of Manhattan’s creative educational approach.

Screenshot of the Eat, Play, Grow website from NIH.

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About Us

Editor: Carol Torgan, Ph.D., Science Communication Branch, Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health.

This page last reviewed on Friday, August 29, 2014

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