Alliances at NCATS

The NCATS Office of Strategic Alliances aims to make it easy for industry and academia to interact and partner with NCATS laboratories and scientists to speed the translation of basic science knowledge into treatments for patients. The Strategic Alliances team provides a complete array of services to support NCATS technology development and partnership activities, including negotiation of standard forms and model agreements between NCATS and outside parties, such as universities and biopharmaceutical companies. These agreements provide for:

  • The exchange of research materials under material transfer agreements (MTAs).
  • Collaborative research conducted under cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs).
  • Clinical studies to determine the safety and efficacy of new agents under clinical trial agreements (CTAs).
  • Exchange of confidential information under confidential disclosure agreements (CDAs).
  • Informal collaborations that involve the transfer of materials and data under a Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA).

The Strategic Alliances team reviews employee discovery and invention reports (EIRs), makes recommendations concerning filing of domestic and foreign patent applications, and manages licensing of all NCATS technologies.

Inventions made by NCATS employees are owned by the federal government. Patenting and licensing are used to help ensure the technology is fully developed, commercialized and advancing public health. See all NCATS licensing opportunities.

For information on other NIH technologies and to learn about other NIH programs, visit the NIH Office of Technology Transfer.

Technology Transfer Education

  • Overview of Technology Transfer: This slide presentation (PDF - 595KB) covers all you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about technology transfer.
  • Video Tutorial: The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) offers a free video tutorial on technology transfer, including an overview of the topic, considerations for federal agencies, different mechanisms for technology transfer and the role of the FLC.
  • Advanced Studies in Technology Transfer: To learn more about technology transfer or to complete the Advanced Studies in Technology Transfer certificate program offered by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES), visit the FAES website.
  • Training in Technology Transfer: Technology transfer is a growing field that encompasses scientific research, innovation, and commercialization. To learn more about this field, and training and development opportunities, visit the National Cancer Institute’s Technology Transfer Center website.