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Education Reports from ERIC

Last updated on 09-09-2020

Education Reports from ERIC, 1995 to 2004

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About Education Reports from ERIC

Find reports on federally funded education research topics from the U.S. Department of Education's Educational Resources Information Center. Reports on govinfo begin with those received by GPO in October 2002. The documents received from the Educational Resources Information Center have dates that range from 1995 to 2004. Prior reports are available from select Federal depository libraries nationwide in microfiche. A larger selection of ERIC reports is available from the ERIC program. Files are available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) only.

Searching Education Reports from ERIC

You can find and search Education Reports from ERIC by:

  • Using Basic Search for keyword and metadata fielded searches,
  • Using Advanced Search; fields specific to Education Reports from ERIC will display after you select Education Reports from ERIC in the Refine by Collection column,
  • Refining search results by clicking on links in the Refine Your Search panel on the left hand side of the page (the sections under Refine Your Search correspond to the metadata available for the documents), and
  • Browsing the Education Reports from ERIC browse page.

General govinfo Search Tips

Search Examples

Search by Keyword – For example,documents containing the word “reading” in the full text or metadata.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:eric reading
  • Using Advanced Search, select Education Reports from ERIC under Refine by Collection, then under Search In, enter reading in the second text box.

Search by ERIC Number – For example, documents with ED 472 641 as the ERIC Number.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:eric ericnumber:"ED 472 641"
  • Using Advanced Search, select Education Reports from ERIC under Refine by Collection, then under Search In, select ERIC Number from the first box and enter "ED 472 641" in the second box.

Search by Personal Author – For example, ERIC documents authored by people with the name Hoffman.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:eric mods:personalAuthor:hoffman

Sample Education Reports from ERIC URLs

govinfo uses the Package ID to construct predictable URLs to documents and the Details pages for individual reports.


Structure/Metadata Field


Package ID

ERIC-{ERIC Number}


Details Page for a Report

Structure:{Package ID}


PDF File for a Report

Structure:{Package ID}/pdf/{Package ID}.pdf


Education Reports from ERIC Metadata Fields and Values

Metadata fields and values can be used to increase the relevancy of your searches. The metadata fields available for Education Reports from ERIC are listed in the table below. Metadata fields and values are used throughout govinfo for

  • Narrowing Your Search,
  • Browsing Government Publications,
  • Field Operators,
  • Advanced Search, and
  • Display on Details Pages.

Metadata fields and values can be entered into the Basic Search box using field operators. The field operators available for the Federal Register are listed in the table below, along with examples for each metadata field. Using Field Operators

Some of these metadata fields are made available for use in Advanced Search. The metadata values can be entered in the same format for the fields available on the Advanced Search Page. Using Advanced Search

Metadata Field Display Name

Metadata Field Definition

Field Operator

Field Operator Example


The collection to which the document belongs. Typically the same as the publication or series.



"eric" is used for the Education Reports from ERIC

Government Author

The names of the Government organizations responsible for authoring or assembling the document.


governmentauthor:"department of education"

Personal Author

The individual person or people responsible for authoring the document.


mods:personalAuthor:"Holdzkom, David"

Publication Date

The date the document was first made available to the public.



Date format is YYYY-MM-DD


The language code of the original document, from the ISO639-2b standard.



SuDoc Class Number

The SuDoc class number from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents which classifies Government publications by publishing agency.


sudocclass:"ED 1.615:"

The SuDoc Class Numbers in govinfo are generally at the class stem level, not the book number level.

Ingestion Date

The date the document was ingested into the FDsys preservation repository.



Date format is YYYY-MM-DD

Electronic Location (URL)

The URL where the document or the document in context (the content detail page) is located.




The government organization who publishes the document or publication. Not typically the Government Publishing Office (who serves as the printer and distributor), except in the case of Congressional publications.


publisher:"U.S. Department of Education"


The branch of Government responsible for the document's contents.



Possible Values: Executive, Legislative,


Type of Resource

The media type for the document, typically "text". Defined as part of the Library of Congress MODS standard.



Record Origin

How the record was originally generated. Typically "machine generated."


recordorigin:"machine generated"


The title of the publication.


title:"secondary education"

ERIC Number

Search for an ERIC resource based on its number. Example ERIC Numbers are "ED466380", or "ED 483 022", (either format is allowed).




ERIC uses a standardized list, or “controlled vocabulary”, of education-related terms called Descriptors that are maintained in the ERIC Thesaurus. Descriptors are used to organize the ERIC Collection by subject. Examples subjects are "Cognitive Psychology", "Elementary Education" and "Story Reading"


ericsubject:"elementary education"


Indexing terms, not found in the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, that provide specific identifying information in a category: geographic names, laws and legislation, or tests and testing.


ericidentifier:"team learning"


Sponsoring Agency

The Agency that funded the creation of the resource. An example agency is "Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED),

Washington, DC."


sponsoragency:"office of educational research and improvement"

Source Institution

The institution that created the ERIC resource, for example "Family Learning Association, Bloomington, IN."


institution:"family learning association"


The GPO standard method for searching citation references from the selected publication.


citation:"ED 464 338"

Related Resources