Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Energy Security Solutions

Los Alamos' mission is to solve national security challenges through scientific excellence.

May 2, 2018
A closed photobioreactor system is essentially a series of plastic or glass containers for water and algae.

A Los Alamos Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow is synthesizing a carbon nanostructure at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. In the search for the most promising properties to improve energy storage, sensors, and nanoelectronics, researchers have established a new capability to synthesize carbon nanomaterials and new approaches to generate hybrid materials from them.


  • Operator
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • (505) 667-5061

Los Alamos is using its world-class scientific capabilities to enhance national energy security

With energy use increasing across the nation and the world, we apply our expertise to those areas in which energy security needs intersect with our scientific strengths and capabilities.

We tackle these challenges through fundamental scientific discovery by harnessing our experimental and high-performance computational modeling and simulation capabilities.

We partner with energy industry leaders to develop energy sources with limited environmental impacts and improve the nation’s energy infrastructure security, reliability, and efficiency.

Los Alamos has three main areas of focus in energy security

  • Safe and sustainable nuclear energy
  • Materials and concepts for clean energy
  • Mitigating impacts of global energy demand growth

Our scientists and engineers have expertise and perform research in a range of energy areas

  • Fuel cells
  • Hydrogen storage & production
  • Hydrogen safety codes and standards
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Unconventional fossil fuels
  • Carbon dioxide separation & capture
  • Superconductivity
  • Infrastructure analysis
  • Solid state lighting
  • Biofuels
  • Energy storage
  • Geothermal energy
  • Nuclear reactor design
  • Nuclear fuels development
  • Material behavior under irradiation
  • Nuclear waste management and disposal
  • Environmental impacts of energy systems

Los Alamos works to develop new ideas for reliable, secure, and sustainable carbon neutral energy solutions for the nation.