Election 2020: Opinions

  • Opinion

Campaign promises are easy; governing is hard.

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Weak Republican leadership and an angry base stand in the way of political sanity.

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Everything about his forthcoming administration is so normal it’s soothing.

There may be a more sinister goal behind McConnell's opposition to state and local aid.

But they need to change the way they talk about it, since Republicans are preparing to use debt as a weapon against the Biden presidency.

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In doing so, they reveal our system’s weak points.

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Given his willingness to bend over backward for the regime, the post would be a mistake.

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This is how we move past Donald Trump.

Sure, they lost the presidency. But the truth is that their position is nothing short of miraculous.

As we confront two enormous crises, is this really what the GOP has to offer?

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Perhaps they should be forced to submit these lies under oath.

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We could see majorities in the House and Senate shift more than once in 2021.

  • Norman Ornstein
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On China, Latin America and Middle East peace, the next president should build on the achievements of the past four years.

  • Nikki Haley
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Trump’s congressional cheerleaders have taken up residence in an alternate reality.

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It will take the dedication of citizens of all political beliefs to recognize that what Trumpism represents is far outside the American mainstream.

  • Reed Galen
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His campaign for Georgia’s Senate seats shows he’s ready to fight.

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What is the White House press secretary talking about?

  • Opinion

Another step in the forward march from second-class citizenship to integral participants in the American story.

A stark admission about the vulnerability of Georgia's two GOP senators.

The party's base, its media and its politicians are caught in a self-reinforcing cycle of denial.

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