White House internships are available within across a number of different Presidential departments. Learn more about internships within each department:

Domestic Policy Council

The Domestic Policy Council supervises the development, coordination, and execution of domestic policy in the White House, and also offers advice to the President and represents his priorities to Congress. Interns will work closely with staff on specific policy areas including education, energy & environment, healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, labor, transportation, urban affairs, and veterans affairs. Interns may also work alongside the speechwriting department on research and fact-checking.

National Economic Council

The National Economic Council coordinates the domestic and international economic policymaking process and coordinates economic policy advice provided to the President. The NEC has a wide-ranging policy portfolio including: healthcare, tax and retirement, the financial system, macroeconomics, infrastructure, agriculture, technology, telecom, cyber-security, energy and the environment, and trade. Interns will have the opportunity to work closely with NEC staff by assisting with in-depth research, coordinating policy meetings, and providing general administrative support.

The Office of Cabinet Affairs

The Office of Cabinet Affairs is the primary liaison between the President and his Cabinet. The office coordinates communications, policy, and logistics between the White House and the Cabinet, as well as managing issues that affect multiple Federal agencies. Staff in the Office of Cabinet Affairs are in daily communication with Members of the Cabinet and senior agency staff. Interns will work with White House staff to facilitate the office’s operations.

The Office of Digital Strategy

The Office of Digital Strategy uses digital platforms to amplify the President’s message and engage with citizens around the country online. Interns will assist in digital content, design, and engagement.

The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs is responsible for building relationships with state, county, local, and tribal officials. Interns within this office work alongside staff to build new and maintain current relationships with Governors, Tribal Leaders, Mayors, County Executives, and Commissioners. This office has a unique need for interns who are able to take on serious responsibility due to the high volume of requests received from officials throughout the country. The workload will require accuracy, sensitivity, and quick response.

The White House Office of Legislative Affairs

The Office of Legislative Affairs is responsible for advancing the President’s legislative agenda on Capitol Hill. Every day, the Legislative Affairs team is on the front lines, working with Senators, Representatives, and their staffs to promote the President’s priorities. Interns will work alongside staff members in the Senate and House liaison offices by helping notify Senators and Representatives about Administration initiatives, assisting with research on legislation and floor activity, and staffing legislative events.

The Office of Management and Administration

The White House Office of Management and Administration offers important operational and administrative support for the President and the White House Office and administrative oversight to components of the Executive Office of the President. An internship in White House Management and Administration presents unique insights and learning experiences for future public service executives. Interns in this department will have the opportunity to perform in a function or supporting role that touches a wide range of offices and staff. Management and Administration interns are assigned to a specific office within the department. Because each office provides a distinct opportunity, we encourage applicants to note interest in a particular office.

White House Photo Office

Programming in the White House Photo Office is geared toward candidates who are looking to build leadership skills in photography and photo journalism. This office is responsible for photographically documenting and capturing the history of the Presidency. They utilize visual communication skills in the current digital age and work with multiple offices to coordinate visual communication support across the White House. Specific intern responsibilities include editing and toning photos, maintaining the photo database, and assisting with various logistical and administrative tasks. Additionally, interns may have the opportunity to photograph certain open press events. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and macOS is a requirement for interns working in the White House Photo Office.

White House Visitors Office

The White House Visitors Office hosts events and leads all tours inside the White House Residence. Interns in the Visitors Office will play a key role in seasonal events, Garden Tours, and sporting events on the lawn, as well as aiding in the day-to-day functions of the office. Candidates with great organizational skills and event experience are encouraged to apply.

White House Management Office

The White House Management Office is the hub of the department. This office fosters communication between all offices within Management and Administration and throughout the White House. Key responsibilities of the office include setting and communicating policy for White House resources, facilitating modernization of functionality, assisting with special projects for all Management and Administration offices, and implementing programs that foster connectivity and community for all White House staff. The office also handles many of the budget, technology, and facility requests around campus and answers many of the general administrative questions. Programming in the Front Office is geared toward building leadership skills in project and program management. Interns will have the opportunity to interact with all sectors of the White House Office and will gain an excellent understanding of what goes on within the White House on a day-to-day basis.

White House Switchboard office

The White House Switchboard Office provides personalized and accurate call connection, information management, and conference call services to all those who serve and work in the White House. Interns in the Switchboard support the Director and the Information Services Operators by updating the White House Switchboard directory, preparing call data and weekly reports, updating performance databases, and preparing records for archiving.

The Office of Political Affairs

The Office of Political Affairs develops, supports, and advances partnerships in support of the President and his policy agenda. OPA interns will assist in political analysis, opinion research, and direct outreach to key constituencies.

The Office of Presidential Advance

The main objective of the Office of Presidential Advance is to plan, organize, and execute Presidential events around the country and around the world. The Office of Presidential Advance helps coordinate the travel itineraries for President Trump, as well as the detailed planning and preparation that goes into supporting the President when he leaves the White House. Interns can expect to assist in the coordination of Presidential travel and events. Ensuring a successful Presidential visit requires frequent interaction with the full range of White House offices and outside entities. Interns for the Office of Presidential Advance will join a committed and efficient team that plays an integral role in the functioning of the Presidency.

The Office of Presidential Correspondence

The Office of Presidential Correspondence plays a key role in facilitating an open dialogue between the President and the American people. The office’s mission is to listen to and understand constituents’ views, experiences, and ideas, and coordinate a response on behalf of the President. Members of the Office of Presidential Correspondence receive and reply to: letters and emails, calls to the White House Comment Line, gifts sent to the President and First Family, requests for Presidential Proclamations and Presidential Messages, greetings, and requests for assistance throughout the Federal Government.

The White House Office of Presidential Personnel

The Office of Presidential Personnel oversees the selection process for Presidential appointments and works to recruit candidates to serve the President in departments and agencies throughout the Executive Branch. Presidential Personnel staff present candidates for PAS positions to the Senate for confirmation after they have been approved by the President and have gone through Personnel’s selection and clearance process. Additionally, the office is responsible for thousands of lower level appointees. Interns in Presidential Personnel will help staff review candidates, communicate with departments and agencies on personnel matters and help ensure that the personnel priorities of the Administration are being addressed.

The Office of Public Liaison

The Office of Public Liaison is the primary line of communication between the White House and the public. This office communicates with organizations, coalitions, and Americans from all backgrounds. Interns in this office will work alongside staff members to assist building new and maintaining current relationships with organizations, coordinating events, and assisting with office operations.

The Office of Speechwriting

The Office of Speechwriting researches, prepares, and writes the President’s speeches. Interns in this office will assist with research and have the opportunity to witness the process of presidential speechwriting firsthand.

The Office of the First Lady

The Office of the First Lady provides assistance to Mrs. Trump and supports her role and duties as First Lady of the Unites States. The Office of the First Lady includes the Social Office, responsible for all aspects of official events hosted by the President and First Lady in the White House, in addition to teams in operations, communications, policy, and special projects. The staff work alongside the First Lady to support her initiatives and the Executive Residence.

The Office of the Staff Secretary

The Office of the Staff Secretary is the gate-keeper of paper flowing into and out of the Oval Office. The Office prepares the daily briefing book, which requires close coordination with each component of the White House. The Office ensures that the details surrounding Presidential actions, speeches, events, correspondence, and press releases are properly vetted. Interns can expect to assist in collecting essential, time-sensitive information from White House components and reviewing, revising, and finalizing memoranda for the President. Interns must exhibit strong attention to detail and have a pro-active mentality, as well as organizational, editing, and interpersonal skills.

The Office of the Vice President

The Vice President of the United States is elected by the people of the United States via the electoral college and exercises executive duties as delegated to him by the President of the United States. Additionally, the Vice President serves as President of the Senate, a constitutional officer in the Legislative branch of our Federal Government.

The Office of the Vice President supports the Vice President’s work as “second in command” of the Executive branch and as President of the Senate. The Office develops policy options on a wide range of issues from tax and health care policy to foreign policy and national security and also works with Members of the United States Congress to promote the Administration’s legislative priorities on Capitol Hill. Additionally, the Office of the Vice President handles all of the Vice President’s correspondence, speechwriting, events, scheduling, and travel.
The following offices and departments within the Office of the Vice President provide internship opportunities:

  • Office of the Second Lady
  • Office of Administration
  • Office of Advance for the Vice President
  • Office of Communications
  • Office of Counsel to the Vice President
  • Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Office of Scheduling for the Vice President
  • Department of Domestic Policy
  • Department of Legislative Affairs
The Office of White House Communications

The Office of Communications crafts the message the President delivers to the world. From planning an address to the Nation to working closely with local newspapers, the Office of Communications collaborates with all of the departments and strategically plans the message to advance the agenda of the President. Interns will learn about and work in different areas of communication in the department, including research, broadcast and digital.

The White House Press Office

The Press Office works with members of the media from around the world. Interns will work in different areas of the department, including national press, communications, and messaging. Interns should have an interest in media relations, strategic messaging, or political communications. Applicants are expected to keep up with the 24-hour news cycle, and will be working in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Interns should be comfortable both working on a team and individually. Those with strong multi-tasking abilities, resourcefulness, and enthusiasm are encouraged to apply.

The Office of White House Counsel

The Office of White House Counsel advises the President, the Executive Office of the President, and the White House staff on legal issues pertaining to the President and the White House. It is often said that the office sits at the intersection of law, policy, and politics.

President’s Commission on White House Fellowships

The President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, founded in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, is one of America’s most prestigious programs for leadership and public service. Selected applicants typically spend a year working as a full-time, paid Fellow to senior White House staff, Cabinet Secretaries, and other top-ranking government officials. Interns will work alongside staff members to assist with many of the logistical aspects of the program, organizing the Fellows’ Speakers Series, and maintaining strong relationships with the Fellows and their respective departments. Additionally, interns can expect to assist in planning and hosting events such as Selection Weekend and Placement Week.