Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Publications from Research Conducted at FIE-TAX

2013 Publications

2012 Publications

2011 Publications

2010 Publications

2009 Publications

  • Baruth A. G., "Exchange coupling at cobalt/nickel oxide interfaces", University of Nebraska , (2009).
  • Christianson A. D., Lumsden M. D., Nagler S. E., MacDougall G. J., McGuire M. A., Sefat A. S., Jin R., Sales B. C., Mandrus D., "Static and dynamic magnetism in underdoped superconductor BaFe1:92Co0:08As2", Physical Review Letters 103, 87002 (2009).
  • Jensen T. B. S., Christensen N. B., Kenzelmann M., Rønnow H. M., Niedermayer C., Andersen N. H., Lefmann K., Jiménez-Ruiz M., Demmel F., Li J., Zarestky J. L., Vaknin D., "Anomalous spin waves and the commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition in LiNiPO4", Physical Review B 79, 92413 (2009).
  • Li H., Tian W., Zarestky J. L., Kreyssig A., Ni N., Bud’ko S. L., Canfield P. C., Goldman A. I., McQueeney R. J., Vaknin D., "Magnetic and lattice coupling in single-crystal SrFe2As2: a neutron scattering study", Physical Review B 80, 54407 (2009).
  • Li J., Jensen T. B. S., Andersen N. H., Zarestky J. L., McCallum R. W., Chung J. H., Lynn J. W., Vaknin D., "Tweaking the spin-wave dispersion and suppressing the incommensurate phase in LiNiPO4 by iron substitution", Physical Review B 79, 174435 (2009).
  • May S. J., Ryan P. J., Robertson J. L., Kim J. W., Santos T. S., Karapetrova E., Zarestky J. L., Zhai X., te Velthuis S. G. E., Eckstein J. N., Bhattacharya S. D. Bader & A., "Enhanced ordering temperatures in antiferromagnetic manganite superlattices ", Nature Materials 8, 892-897 (2009).
  • Motoyama E. M., "Neutron scattering studies of the electron-doped high-temperature superconductor neodymium cerium copper oxide", Stanford University , (2009).
  • Moya X., Gonzalez-Alonso D., Manosa L., Planes A., Garlea V. O., Lograsso T. A., Schlagel D. L., Zarestky J. L., Aksoy S., Acet M., "Lattice dynamics in magnetic superelastic Ni-Mn-In alloys: neutron scattering and ultrasonic experiments", Physical Review B 79, 214118 (2009).
  • Pratt D. K., Tian W., Kreyssig A., Zarestky J. L., Nandi S., Ni N., Bud’ko S. L., Canfield P. C., Goldman A. I., McQueeney R. J., "Coexistence of competing antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in the underdoped Ba(Fe0:953Co0:047)2As2 compound using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques", Physical Review Letters 103, 87001 (2009).
  • Santos T. S., May S. J., Robertson J. L., Bhattacharya A., "Tuning between the metallic antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases of La1-xSrxMnO3 near x=0.5 by digital synthesis", Physical Review B 80, 155114 (2009).
  • Smirnov A. I., Svistov L. E., Prozorova L. A., Zheludev A., Lumsden M. D., Ressouche E., Petrenko O. A., Nishikawa K., Kimura S., Hagiwara M., Kindo K., Shapiro A. Y., Demianets L. N., "Chiral and Collinear Ordering in a Distorted Triangular antiferromagnet", Physical Review Letters 102, 37202 (2009).
  • Tian W., Kreyssig A., Zarestky J. L., Tan L., Nandi S., Goldman A. I., Lograsso T. A., Schlagel D. L., Gschneidner K. A., Pecharsky V. K., McQueeney R. J., "Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of short-range magnetic correlations in Tb5Ge4", Physical Review B 80, 134422 (2009).
  • Yan J. Q., Nandi S., Zarestky J. L., Tian W., Kreyssig A., Jensen B., Kracher A., Dennis K. W., McQueeney R. J., Goldman A. I., McCallum R. W., Lograsso T. A., "Flux growth at ambient pressure of millimeter-sized single crystals of LaFeAsO, LaFeAsO1−xFx, and LaFe1−xCoxAsO", Applied Physics Letters 95, 222504 (2009).

Previous Publications

  • de la Cruz C., Huang Q., Lynn J. W., Li J. Y., Ratcliff W., Zarestky J. L., Mook H. A., Chen G. F., Luo J. L., Wang N. L., Dai P. C., "Magnetic order close to superconductivity in the iron-based layered LaO1-xFxFeAs systems", Nature 453, 899-902 (2008).
  • Fernandez-Baca J. A., Lumsden M. D., Winn B., Zarestky J. L., Zheludev A., "The triple-axis spectrometers at the High Flux Isotope Reactor", Neutron News 19, 18-21 (2008).
  • McGuire M. A., Christianson A. D., Sefat A. S., Sales B. C., Lumsden M. D., Jin R., Payzant E. A., Mandrus D., Luan Y., Keppens V., Varadarajan V., Brill J. W., Hermann R. P., Sougrati M. T., Grandjean F., Long G. J., "Phase transitions in LaFeAsO: structural, magnetic, elastic, and transport properties, heat capacity and Mossbauer spectra", Physical Review B 78, 94517 (2008).
  • Moya X., Manosa L., Planes A., Krenke T., Acet M., Wassermann E. F., Morin M., Garlea V. O., Lograsso T. A., Zarestky J. L., "Lattice dynamics of Ni-Mn-Al Heusler alloys", Materials Science and Engineering: A 481-482, 227-230 (2008).
  • Stone M. B., Lumsden M. D., Chang S., Samulon E. C., Batista C. D., Fisher I. R., "Singlet-triplet dispersion reveals additional frustration in the triangular-lattice dimer compound Ba3Mn2O8", Physical Review Letters 100, 237201 (2008).
  • Tian W., Li J. Y., Lynn J. W., Zarestky J. L., Vaknin D., "Spin dynamics in the magnetoelectric effect compound LiCoPO4", Physical Review B 78, 184429 (2008).
  • Wilson S., "Static and dynamic magnetism in the electron-doped high-temperature superconductor Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4-y and in the f-electron, non-Fermi liquid alloy Sc1-xUxPd3", University of Tennessee , (2007).
  • Ye F., Ren Y., Fernandez-Baca J. A., Mook H. A., Lynn J. W., Chaudhury R. P., Wang Y. Q., Lorenz B., Chu C. W., "Magnetic switching and phase competition in the multiferroic antiferromagnet Mn1−xFexWO4", Physical Review B 78, 193101 (2008).

67 publications were retrieved from the Neutron Sciences Publication Database.