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Clinical Trials and Translational Research Advisory Committee

Recent CTAC Meeting

The 43rd meeting of CTAC was held on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. The meeting materials and videocast are now available.

CTAC is an external oversight committee that advises NCI leadership on ways to strengthen NCI's clinical and translational research enterprises, including both intramural and extramural research. CTAC is composed of leading authorities across the entire continuum of cancer research, prevention, and treatment. The committee advises NCI leadership on ways to build strong scientific infrastructures that engage a broad coalition of stakeholders involved in the clinical trials and translational research processes. CTAC is chaired by the NCI director or designee.  The CCCT director serves as the executive secretary, and CCCT staff facilitates CTAC operations.

Roles and responsibilities of CTAC include:

  • Provides strategic advice regarding NCI's entire clinical trials and translational research portfolio
  • Advises NCI on policies, procedures, processes, and tools that should be developed and implemented for prioritization, management, coordination, and administration of NCI-funded clinical trials
  • Provides a forum for the clinical trials communities to give advice directly to the NCI director

For information on CTAC's membership, charter, function statement, meeting schedule, agendas, meeting summaries, and working group reports, please visit the CTAC web site.