TUS-CPS Linkages

TUS data files can be used to assess trends in tobacco control efforts, including both formal workplace and informal home restrictions on smoking; attitudes towards smokefree policies; and the advice of a doctor, dentist, or other health professional to stop smoking.

Because of the large sample size for most survey items, analyses can be done at either the national or state level, and in some cases for areas smaller than the state level. The large sample size also affords the opportunity to study tobacco control heath disparities.

Linkages to Current Population Surveys (CPS) and Supplements

One of the unique aspects of the TUS is its ability to link to other datasets and CPS supplements to enrich analysis and answer other important research questions. Because of the CPS’ panel design, a subset of persons who were in a sample for any given month of TUS-CPS fielding (e.g., July 2014, January 2015, or May 2015) can be linked with other CPS Basic and Supplement data from surveys conducted within about + /-15 months of a TUS-CPS. Datasets that can be linked to the TUS include:

National Longitudinal Mortality Study

The National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS) consists of a database developed for the purpose of studying the effects of demographic and socio-economic characteristics on differentials in U.S. mortality rates. The NLMS is a unique research database in that it is based on a random sample of the non-institutionalized population of the United States. It consists of U.S. Census Bureau data from Current Population Surveys, Annual Social and Economic Supplements and a subset of the 1980 Census combined with death certificate information to identify mortality status and cause of death. The study currently consists of approximately 3.8 million records with over 550,000 identified mortality cases, through 2011. For information on variables and subject matter content, view the NLMS Reference Manual.

Health Disparities Calculator

HD*Calc is statistical software designed to generate multiple summary measures to evaluate and monitor health disparities. HD*Calc was created as an extension of SEER*Stat that allows the user to import SEER data or other population-based health data, such as National Health Survey sample data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) or the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), and calculate any of eleven disparity measures.

Last Updated
September 24, 2020