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Jeffrey W. Elam

Sr. Chemist/Group Leader, Functional Coatings

Jeffrey Elam is an Argonne chemist who founded and directs Argonne’s atomic layer deposition (ALD) research program.


Jeff Elam leads Argonne National Laboratory’s Functional Coatings Group in the Applied Materials division. The group develops coating technologies for a diverse range of applications including energy storage, photodetectors, and water purification. He has won five R&D 100 Awards and holds numerous patents.

Awards, Honors, and Memberships

  • R&D 100 Award, GreenTech Gold Award, and Editor’s Choice Award (2017) Oleo Sponge”
  • R&D 100 Award (2014) SIS Lithography”
  • R&D 100 Award (2013) Charge Drain Coatings”
  • R&D 100 Award (2012) Large Area Microchannel Plates”
  • R&D 100 Award (2008) UNCD Mechanical Seals”
  • ALD Innovation Award, 2017
  • AVS Fellow, 2018
  • Argonne Center for Electrical Energy Storage (CEES); Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS) Center; Northwestern Argonne Institute for Science and Engineering (NAISE)

Selected Publications

  • Anil U. Mane, Steven Letourneau, David J. Mandia, Jian Liu, Joseph A. Libera, Yu Lei, Qing Peng, Elton Graugnard, and Jeffrey W. Elam, Atomic Layer Deposition of Molybdenum Disulfide Films Using MoF6 and H2S”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36(1), 01A125-1 - 01A125-9 (2018). DOI: 10.1116/1.5003423.
  • Edward Barry, Joseph A. Libera, Anil U. Mane, Jason R. Avila, David DeVitis, Keith Van Dyke, Jeffrey W. Elam, and Seth B. Darling, Mitigating Oil Spills in the Water Column”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4, 40-47, (2018). DOI: 10.1039/c7ew00265c.
  • E. Barry, A. U. Mane, J. A. Libera, J. W. Elam, and S. B. Darling, Advanced Oil Sorbents Using Sequential Infiltration Synthesis”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 2929-2935, (2017). DOI: 10.1039/c6ta09014a .
  • Lin Chen, Zhennan Huang, Reza Shahbazian-Yassar, Joseph A. Libera, Kyle C. Klavetter, Kevin R. Zavadil, and Jeffrey W. Elam, Directly Formed Alucone on Lithium Metal for High-Performance Li Batteries and Li–S Batteries with High Sulfur Mass Loading”, Advanced Energy Materials, ASAP, (2017), DOI:  10.1021/acsami.7b15879 .
  • S. Babar, A. U. Mane, A. Yanguas-Gil, E. Mohimi, R. T. Haasch, and J. W. Elam, W:Al2O3 Nanocomposite Thin Films with Tunable Optical Properties Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120 (27), 1468114689, (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03823.
  • J. Lu, J. W. Elam, and P. C. Stair, Atomic Layer Deposition—Sequential Self-limiting Surface Reactions for Advanced Catalyst bottom-up” Synthesis”, (Invited Review), Surface Science Reports, 71, 410-472, (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.surfrep.2016.03.003.
  • Y. Cao, X. Meng, and J. W. Elam, Atomic Layer Deposition of LixAlyS Solid State Electrolytes for Stabilizing Lithium Metal Anodes”, ChemElectroChem, 3, 858-863, (2016), DOI: 10.1002/celc.201600139.
  • J. A. Klug, M. S. Weimer, J. D. Emery, A. Yanguas-Gil, S. Seifert, C. M. Schleputz, A. B. F. Martinson, J. W. Elam, A. S. Hock, and T. Proslier, A Modular Reactor Design for in situ Synchrotron X-ray Investigation of Atomic Layer Deposition Processes”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 113901, (2015), DOI: 10.1063/1.4934807.
  • M. Biswas, J. A. Libera, S. B. Darling, and J. W. Elam, Kinetics for the Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Alumina in 2 Poly(methyl methacrylate): An Infrared Spectroscopic Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 14585-14592, (2015), DOI:10.1021/jp511939j.
  • C. P. Canlas, J. Lu, N. Ray, N. Grosso-Giordano, S. Lee, J. W. Elam, R. E. Winans, R. P. Van Duyne, P. C. Stair, and J. M. Notestein, Shape-Selective Sieving Layers on an Oxide Catalyst Surface”, Nature Chemistry, 4, 1030-1036 (2012).
  • Y.-C. Tseng, A. U. Mane , J. W. Elam , and S. B. Darling, Enhanced Lithographic Imaging Layer Meets Semiconductor Manufacturing Specification a Decade Early”, Advanced Materials, 24, 2608-2613, (2012).
  • J. Lu, B. Fu, M. C. Kung, G. Xiao, J. W. Elam, H. H. Kung, and P. C. Stair, Coking and Sintering Resistant Palladium Catalysts Achieved Through Atomic Layer Deposition”, Science, 335, 1205 (2012).
  • Y.-C. Tseng, Q. Peng, L. Ocola, J. W. Elam, and S. B. Darling, Enhanced Block Copolymer Lithography Sequential Infiltration Synthesis”, J Phys Chem C., 115(36) 17725-17729 (2011).
  • A. Yanguas-Gil and J. W. Elam, Controlled dopant distribution and higher doping efficiencies by surface-functionalized atomic layer deposition”, Chemistry of Materials, 23 (19), 4295-4297, (2011).
  • S. T. Christensen and J. W. Elam, Atomic layer deposition of Ir-Pt alloy films”, Chemistry of Materials, 22, 25172525, (2010).

Selected Patents

  • Jeffrey W. Elam, and Angel Yanguas-Gil, FAST METHOD FOR REACTOR AND FEATURE SCALE COUPLING IN ALD AND CVD MODELS”, US Patent Number 9,727,672.
  • J. Elam and X. Meng, Materials for Solid State Electrolytes and Protective Electrode Coatings for Lithium Batteries”, US Patent Number 9,917,295.
  • A. Yanguas-Gil, J. A. Libera, and J. W. Elam, Method for continuous ALD”, US Patent Number 9,598,769.
  • A. B. F. Martinson, J. A. Libera, J. W. Elam, and S. Riha, MICRO-BALANCE SENSOR INTEGRATED WITH ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION CHAMBER”, US Patent Number 9,856,563.
  • A. U. Mane and J. W. Elam, Tunable Resistance Coatings”, US Patent Number 8,921,799.
  • A. Yanguas-Gil and J. W. Elam, Growth Rate Control in ALD by Surface Functionalization”, US Patent Number 8,951,615.
  • Q. Peng, S. B. Darling, Y.-C. Tseng, J. W. Elam, Ordered Nanoscale Domains by Infiltration of Block Copolymers”, US Patent Number 9,487,600.
  • A. U. Mane, Q. Peng, and J. W. Elam, Microchannel Plate Detectors and Methods for Their Fabrication”, US Patent Number 8,969,823.


  • Senior Research Associate, University of Colorado
  • Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Chicago
  • B.A. Chemistry, Cornell University