Grant Application and Review Process



Preparing and submitting an NIH biomedical research grant application is a major undertaking that requires good preparation and organization. How-to information for planning, writing, and submitting your application is available at

Finding a NIGMS-supported Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

NIGMS supports both unsolicited, investigator-initiated research, as well as projects / programs that have been defined as Institute high-priority areas and are solicited through NIGMS specific FOAs and NOSIs. A list of all FOAs and NOSIs currently supported by NIGMS can be found at:

Getting advice from NIGMS program staff

Before you apply, we strongly suggest that you get advice from a program officer relevant to your area of science using one of the following methods:



Peer review is the cornerstone of the NIH grants process, helping ensure that NIH grant applications are evaluated in a way that is fair, equitable, timely, and free of bias. NIH has a two-stage review, with the first level of review carried out by a Scientific Review Group composed primarily of non-federal scientists. The second level of review is performed by the Institute and Center National Advisory Councils or Boards composed of both scientific and public representatives. An overview of the peer review process is available at

First Level Review at NIGMS

Initial peer review meetings for applications to NIGMS-supported FOAs are administered by either the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) or the NIGMS Scientific Review Branch (SRB). The locus of review for individual funding opportunities is typically listed in Section V of the FOA.

Information about individual Scientific Review Groups that review NIGMS applications can be found at:

Second Level Review at NIGMS

The National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council (NAGMS) recommends applications for funding, although the Institute makes the final funding decision. Council members also provide advice and recommendations on policy and program development, program implementation, evaluation, and other matters of significance to the mission and goals of NIGMS. Information about NIGMS Council meetings and functions, member rosters, and meeting dates can be found at Advisory Council.