
The U.S. vegetables and pulses sector comprises hundreds of independent markets within the food-marketing system. During the first 8 years of the 2000s, U.S. farm cash receipts from the sale of vegetables and pulses (including potatoes) averaged $17.4 billion—14 percent of U.S. crop cash receipts. This amount was generated on less than 2 percent of all U.S. harvested acreage. Annual per capita use of vegetables and pulses in the same period was 2 percent higher than a decade earlier.

ERS provides a range of data products and reports on vegetable and pulse markets including domestic supply, demand, trade, and prices. 

Periodic, Scheduled Outputs 

  • Outlook reports are published three times a year and provide current intelligence and forecasts on changing conditions in the U.S. vegetables and pulses sector. Interactive charts and highlights of the most recent Outlook report are available on the Market Outlook.
  • Vegetables and Pulses Data are updated monthly and provide supply, use, value, prices, and trade for the sector and for individual commodities.
  • Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook Tables are updated annually and  contain 150 Excel spreadsheets detailing over 20 years of annual or monthly data for U.S. bearing acreage, production, prices, trade, per capita use, and more.

Recent ERS Reports Relating to Vegetables and Pulses

In addition to the periodic Outlook reports and data products, ERS disseminates reports covering issues important to vegetable and pulse crop markets in the United States and around the world. Recent ERS reports relating to vegetable and pulse crops include: