Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations

This section includes FSA Handbooks. These Handbooks are available in PDF format. Click here to access the entire list of Handbooks.  


This section includes the FFAS Notices. You can search for and retrieve both current and obsolete FFAS Notices. Click here to access Notices.   

Authorizing Statutes    

This section includes the Farm Service Agency authorizing statutes. The Farm Service Agency and Commodity Credit Corporation operate under the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (2002 Farm Bill), the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, the Food Security Act of 1985, the U.S. Warehouse Act and numerous other laws. Click here to access Authorizing Statutes

Federal Register Publications & Related Documents    

This section includes introduction to the policy development process, and links to the Federal Register-the official publication for final rules, proposed rules, notices and supporting documents of agencies and organizations. Click here to access Federal Register Publications & Related Documents.

USDA Open Government Policy Gateway   

The Policy Gateway is available for the public to participate in discussions and provide input and feedback on policies early in development. The purpose is to make our interaction with the public more open, transparent, & collaborative. Click here to access the USDA Open Gov website, and to go to the "Discuss" tab to provide input and feedback on USDA policies and related topics