Joint Duty

Joint Duty

The IC Civilian Joint Duty Program works to create cross-agency expertise by fostering an environment of information-sharing, interagency cooperation and intelligence integration at all levels. Joint Duty Rotations provide intelligence professionals an IC-wide enterprise perspective, assist them in cultivating cross-organizational networks, facilitate their ability to share information among other IC employees and organizations, increase participants’ understanding of the scope and complexity of the IC, and contribute to their personal and professional development. The Joint Duty program was established in response to the requirement of the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) that service in more than one IC element be a condition for promotion to senior executive. In 2008, the IC Civilian Joint Duty Program was honored with the Innovations in American Government Award by the Ash Institute of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government as a “key to improved national security” and an “innovative solution for improving cross-agency understanding.”


The IC Joint Duty Program has advanced in policy and implementation far beyond its initial goal of developing IC leaders with joint experience and perspective, to developing an integrated IC enterprise at all levels and embracing that as the norm.


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