• Analysis

The president is racing to spend billions on constituencies that are slipping away.

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The incident could add to regulatory scrutiny of the tech giants.

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The stock market keeps rallying on hopes of a breakthrough as chances shrink.

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The two diverge in size and scope. But both are about tackling cutting emissions while creating jobs.

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It's getting far less attention on the campaign trail than the threat to pre-existing conditions.

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The court could rule on plans to accept ballots after Election Day in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

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“Everything is fine. Just fine. Totally fine,” a Trump campaign source said sarcastically.

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Trump says he won’t participate in next week’s debate if organizers insist on a virtual format.

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Here are the unanswered questions from the one and only vice presidential debate.

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The company announced it would temporarily halt all political ads after polls close.

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Each stretched some claims as they squared off on taxes, manufacturing and more.

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Both Vice President Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) dodged questions about climate change during Wednesday's vice presidential debate.

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It's a savvy tactic for the vice president, who as head of the coronavirus task force is in a tricky position.

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The vice president was tamer than Trump but still hammered mail voting and touted Russian intelligence.

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Here are the unanswered questions from the one and only vice presidential debate.

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The Democratic challenger has highlighted the GOP incumbent’s reversal, from mocking Trump in 2016 to becoming the president’s golfing partner and ally.

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Veterans of NSA, CIA and DNI say DOJ probing 2016 intelligence gathering sets a dangerous precedent.

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The report from Democratic committee staff proposes sweeping reforms to existing antitrust laws.

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The president's abrupt pull from negotiations on a bailout sent markets reeling and mystified policymakers.

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The Government Accountability Office said officials flouted their own goals when giving struggling petroleum producers a break this spring on payments.

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