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Welcome to the Thesaurus and Glossary

The National Agricultural Library's Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary are online vocabulary tools of agricultural terms in English and Spanish and are cooperatively produced by the National Agricultural LibraryUSDA, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture as well as other Latin American agricultural institutions belonging to the Agriculture Information and Documentation Service of the Americas (SIDALC). NAL Thesaurus is used to select controlled vocabulary terms for subject indexing of AGRICOLA, PubAg and other databases.

Additional Resources

These thesauri and glossaries are hosted by the library for other organizations.

IRRI Rice Thesaurus

The thesaurus aims to make available standard terms used in rice production and ultimately, to facilitate the search and retrieval of rice information.

Silvics of North America Glossary

The glossary is part of the larger work, Silvics of North America, which describes the silvicultural characteristics of about 200 conifer and hardwood trees in the United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Wildland Planning Glossary

The glossary, published in 1976 and reprinted in 2004, remains the most comprehensive glossary of natural resources planning terminology used by resource specialists and planners around the world.

Wood Handbook Glossary

The glossary contains 402 terms and is part of the larger reference work, Wood Handbook, produced by the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin.