Personal Digital Archiving 2014

pda-icons_280The fifth annual Personal Digital Archiving conference is on April 10-11 and you can still register online until tomorrow, April 1.

This conference attracts a variety of information-technology professionals with a range of digital-preservation interests, mainly oriented toward the needs of individuals rather than the digital collections of cultural institutions. Topics include – but are not limited to — family photographs and home movies; personal health and financial data; social network data; genealogy; email, blogs and web pages; and the academic works of students and professors. You can see videos and presentations from past PDA conferences, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Here is the program for Personal Digital Archiving 2014. We hope to see you there.

  • The Social Life of Personal Information,
    Keynote Speaker: Andrea Copeland, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis;
  • Defining the Personal in Digital Archiving and Communities
    Jenny Bunn, University College London, UK
  • Personal Archiving as a Gateway to Data Literacy
    Amy Elizabeth Neeser, University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Blueprint for Preserving Design Records, Panel Discussion
    • Finding Roots, Gems, and Inspiration: Understanding the Ultimate Uses of Digital Materials
      Santi Thompson, University of Houston Libraries; Michele Reilly, Central Washington University
    • Using Picasa to its Fullest Potential to Ensure Long-Term Management of Digital Photos
      Richard R. Bernier, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
    • Opportunities and Challenges in Accessioning Personal Digital Archives
      Arjun Sabharwal, University of Toledo Libraries, Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections
    • Public Libraries and Personal Digital Archiving: Outreach Lessons Learned
      Michael Ashenfelder, Library of Congress
  • NEH Funding & the Stewardship of Personal Digital Archives
    Perry Collins, Office of Digital Humanities
  • Clear as Glass: Controlling the Data Generated by Wearable Technology
    Nick Krabbenhoeft, Independent Researcher
  • Personal Archiving Within the Scholarly Workflow: Zotero as Connector for Collecting Faculty Work
    Ellysa Stern Cahoy and Smiljana Antonijevic, Penn State University
  • Preserving Your Digital Photos Using Free or Low-Cost Software
    David Riecks,,
    • Archiving Family History Past and Present: The Wabash Valley Visions & Voices Digital Memory Project
      Cinda May, Indiana State University Libraries, Special Collections
    • Demonstrating Archivematica’s Ingest Functionality
      Courtney Mumma, Artefactual Systems, Inc.
    • Designing a Personal & Family Archive for the 21st Century
      Denim Smith, Lifemap
    • Longaccess: Your Data, Safe, for Long
      Panayotis Vryonis, Longaccess
    • Project Backup: Archiving “Naptown”
      Rodney Freeman, Indianapolis Public Library
    • The National Digital Stewardship Alliance
      Michael Ashenfelder, Library of Congress
  • Zoink.It
  • Lessons Learned from the Activists’ Guide to Archiving Video
    Yvonne Ng, WITNESS
  • Collaborative Data Management and Provenance as Core Pillars of Personal Digital Curation
    Kerstin Kleese-Van Dam, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Family Archive as a Narrative Organization
    Pekka Uotila, Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences
    • XFR STN Collective? Guerrilla Archiving of Obsolete Artist Material
      Julia Kim, New York University, Moving Image Archiving and Preservation Program
    • How Well are Interior Alaskan Athabascans Served by Archives?
      Stacey Baldridge, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Native Language Archive
    • Software Collecting: A Case Study
      Zach Vowell, California Polytechnic State Universiry, Robert E. Kennedy Library
    • Let’s Talk Digital: Communicating Digital Preservation Workflows to Donors
      Carly Dearborn, Purdue University Libraries, Special Collections
    • Appraising Email Archives with ePADD
      Peter Chan, Stanford University Libraries
  • Kurt, Jimi and Lots of Heart: One Biographer’s Research Methods
    Keynote Speaker: Charles R. Cross, music historian, author & biographer;
  • Trends in Student Management of Personal Records: A Window on Temporal Change
    Patricia Galloway, School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin
  • There’s No Such Thing As Personal Archiving
    Lori Kendall, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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