Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security2020-06-08T11:40:53-04:00

Sustainable agriculture and food security

At the IAF, we believe that sustainable agriculture and food security are key development factors. Our investment in these areas builds stronger local economies, improves natural resource management, and promotes sustainable local development.

We respond to proposals from grassroots organizations by offering small grants that lead to significant outcomes across Latin America and the Caribbean. Through their development projects, these community partners are able to increase food security, improve livelihoods, provide more opportunities for families to generate income, and increase resilience to environmental challenges. By supporting these projects and strengthening ecological systems, communities are able to utilize natural resources sustainably. They address root causes of migration by reducing push factors and giving community members opportunities to thrive.

Our ultimate goal is to strengthen vibrant, environmentally sound communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Talk about community-led development!

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