The Mekong-U.S. Partnership, launched in 2020, is an expansion of the Lower Mekong Initiative and advances its goal to create integrated sub-regional cooperation among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam, with support from the United States.


Mekong-U.S. Partnership Joint Statement

The United States and Mekong Partner countries released a Joint Statement on the launch of the Mekong-U.S. Partnership.

Launch of the Mekong Dam Monitor (MDM)

Launched on December 15, 2020, the Mekong Dam Monitor (MDM) is the region’s premier water monitoring tool. This monitor is open-source and freely available for users on the Mekong Water Data Initiative (MWDI) website – The Mekong Dam Monitor features virtual dam and reservoir gauges that use remote sensing, satellite imagery, and GIS analysis to provide weekly reports about environmental indicators in the Mekong Basin. The Stimson Center’s Southeast Asia Program and Eyes on Earth, Inc. collaborative partnership developed the MDM with funding support from the Mekong-U.S. Partnership. This  publicly available  tool  will significantly expand  the water data available in the  region, putting information into the hands of the people who need it the most  so they can make informed  decisions affecting livelihoods  and regional  security.

Message from our Ambassadors

Now more than ever, the United States sees the importance of a partnership with the Mekong Region. Perhaps the best example of that is the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership, which was launched in 2020 as a successor to the Lower Mekong Initiative. This partnership – with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the ASEAN Secretariat – aims to improve lives in the Mekong Region by spurring economic growth, improving natural resource management, and tackling transnational crime. “We are open to working with all partners who shared our principled, transparent approach,” said Melissa A. Brown, Head of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN. Watch this video to learn more:

U.S.-Singapore Third Country Training Program (TCTP) 2020 Cybersecurity Workshop Held Virtually

The United States and Singapore co-hosted the 2020 Third Country Training Program (TCTP) Cybersecurity Workshop as a series of virtual events on October 26 and 27 and November 2 and 3. This cybersecurity course was fully subscribed with 30 participants from all ASEAN countries as well as Timor-Leste and the ASEAN Secretariat. It covered a broad range of cyber policy topics including the importance of whole-of-government cyber coordination, frameworks and best practices for a risk-based approach to cybersecurity, and the framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace. The participants identified key themes and lessons to bring back to their home countries for implementation, including raising public awareness on cybersecurity, strengthening network defenses against cybersecurity threats, and creating public-private partnerships to effectively respond to and manage cyber incidents.

Indo-Pacific Transparency Initiative Fact Sheet Released

Announced by Vice President Pence two years ago, the Indo-Pacific Transparency Initiative includes more than $1 billion in programs that promote civil society, rule of law, and transparent and accountable governance across the region. The Transparency Initiative encompasses over 200 programs developed by a range of U.S. government agencies focused on anti-corruption and fiscal transparency, democracy assistance, youth and emerging leader development, media and internet freedom, and protecting fundamental freedoms and human rights.

Release of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy-Republic of Korea New Southern Policy Joint Fact Sheet

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Japan and Korea Marc Knapper and Republic of Korea Director-General for North American Affairs Ko Yunju met in Seoul on November 13. They discussed the release of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy-ROK New Southern Policy Joint Fact Sheet and our countries’ enduring commitment to creating a safe, prosperous, and dynamic Indo-Pacific region based on the principles of openness, inclusiveness, transparency, respect for international law, and ASEAN centrality.

Our Mission

The Mekong-U.S. Partnership seeks to encourage equitable, sustainable, and inclusive growth in the Lower Mekong Region.

MUSP seeks to meet regional development challenges by implementing capacity building projects and programs with active involvement and close cooperation of the governments in the Mekong region. Our goal is to deliver equitable, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth among the five MUSP partner countries by promoting connectivity and collaboratively addressing regional trans-boundary development and policy challenges.

Join the Conversation

We encourage you to join us on social media for updates, dialogue, and information about the work we do – comment with the #mekongUSPartnership hashtag.

Great news from @MCCgov's December 15 board meeting: The board selected Kiribati to develop a threshold program and approved a $23 million threshold program designed with the Solomon Islands. We appreciate MCC's engagement in the Pacific!

Millennium Challenge@MCCgov

Congrats to our newly selected partners! Want to learn more? Check out the press release from MCC’s Board Meeting 👇

On behalf of the American people, 50 #MadeInUSA ventilators arrived in Mongolia! Together, we will defeat #COVID19. #AmericaActs

In times of crisis, friends stick together. Fulfilling our promise to our #StrategicPartners in Mongolia, 50 #MadeInUSA ventilators have arrived to help fight #COVID19. #AmericaActs


We stood with @ASEAN at the 8th Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum hosted by Vietnam to champion the importance of countering illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (#IUUFishing), addressing #marinedebris, and protecting freedom of the seas in the South China Sea.

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