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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources for Event Creators

Information, articles, and best practices for managing your event during unprecedented times.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources for Event Creators

Information, articles, and best practices for managing your event during unprecedented times.

Resources and FAQs

We stand with all of you and the broader event community during a time when our industry is being deeply affected. We acknowledge the increased need for flexibility in times of uncertainty, and we’re here to help.

Whether you have an event coming up and need more information on event cancellation or postponement, you want to convert your event into an online experience, or you’re looking for ways to sustain your business while keeping your ticket-buyers engaged, we’re here to help. We've designed COVID-19-specific resources, help center articles, and best practices to guide you every step of the way.

This page is intended for event creators. If you’re an event-goer, please see our COVID-19 resource page for event attendees.

Postpone your event

Can you choose a new date to host your event? Explore simple pointers for postponing your event while keeping attendees informed and engaged.

Convert your event into an online experience

Does your event lend itself to an online format? We have guidance and inspiration to help you take your events online.

Safely host your event

Are you allowed to host gatherings in your local area, and are you able to implement safety steps at your event? We’ve created resources to support you in taking ownership and action to safely gather again.

Cancel your event

Does postponement, converting to an online event, or implementing safety steps not work for you? Here’s everything you need to know about how to cancel your event, issue refunds, and keep your attendees informed.

Not sure what to do yet?

Already made a decision on how to handle your event?

Here are some ways to sustain your business while keeping your ticket-buyers engaged.

Learn about Fundraising