Privacy Policy

Granicus provides its customers with a variety of fulfillment, support, and eCommerce-related services. This Privacy Statement informs you of our privacy practices, the way your information is collected online, and how that information is used. This statement is readily available on our home page and at the bottom of every Granicus Web page.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, please feel free to contact Granicus using the contact information included at the end of this statement.

Links to Non-Granicus Websites

Some services may be provided through sites bearing our partners’ and suppliers’ names; their trademarks are not under the sole control of Granicus. Additionally, Granicus may provide links to the websites of third parties to provide services to you directly or on our behalf. If you access any third-party link, you will leave the Granicus website. Granicus does not control the third-party sites or their privacy practices which may differ from Granicus’ practices. The personal data you choose to provide, or information that is collected by these outside websites, is not covered by the Granicus Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information means any information that may be used to identify an individual, and may include, but is not limited to, your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, types of hardware or software you own, credit card details, or other information required to provide you with the product, service, or support requested. Depending on the nature of the services provided by Granicus to our customers, or the services provided to Granicus from its partners or suppliers, Granicus may receive personal information either from you directly, from our partners, or our suppliers. Some of the ways Granicus may receive personal information include but are not limited to:

  • requesting information about products and services;
  • entering a contest or promotion;
  • ordering newsletters or other informational tools;
  • purchasing, downloading and/or registering products; and/or
  • signing up for additional services.

Use of Personal Information

Personal information provided to us may be transferred worldwide within Granicus or to third-parties providing services to Granicus, including, but not limited to, across borders, from your country or collective area to other countries or collective areas around the world.

Some of the ways in which we will use the personal information provided to us include:

  • to take, process or deliver your order;
  • to process or obtain payment or notify you of the status of your order;
  • in connection with keys, access codes or other information as may be required to permit you to access our partnersites to receive products, updates or services;
  • to provide it to industry and credit-related organizations for security, credit or fraud prevention purposes;
  • to register your purchase with the manufacturer or service provider for warranty, technical support or similar purposes;
  • to facilitate the renewal of subscriptions for products or services;
  • to provide you with effective customer service and/or technical support;
  • to monitor service or purchasing patterns;
  • to provide you with service updates, announcements, and other product offerings;
  • to send you, with your consent, newsletters or promotional emails, or undertake other promotional activities;
  • to permit you to participate in online surveys and polls, assuming you voluntarily agree to provide such information in connection with these surveys and polls; and
  • to improve Granicus websites, the customer experience, and any related products or services.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure any person or entity receiving personal information for the purposes described above are obligated to protect the personal information on your behalf. By submitting your order, either to our partner or to us, you consent to the use of your personal information as set forth above, and to the transfer of that data to our partners or those individuals or entities we engage to provide services in connection with your transaction.

Management of Personal Information

Granicus tries hard to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date. If you find that your personal information is not accurate, please let us know. Granicus will use best efforts to investigate your concerns after we receive your inquiry and make the necessary corrections, additions and/or deletions.

Disclosure of Personal information

Granicus discloses your personal information directly to you upon your request; provided, however, that we may reject all or part of your request when: 1) the disclosure may harm the life, the property or the rights of third parties, 2) the disclosure may lead to remarkable difficulty in the operation of our business or 3) the disclosure may lead to a breach of the law or other regulations.

Cookies and WebBeacons

We may use Cookies and other tracking technologies such as web beacons. Cookies are small text files that are transferred to your computer’s hard disk by the website. Granicus cookies are used to identify a computer or browser, not to identify specific customer traits. If you do not want cookies in your browser, you may set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when a website attempts to place a cookie in your browser.

WebBeacons (also referred to as GIF files, pixels or action tags) help Granicus recognize a unique cookie on your browser. We use this tool to compile aggregate information about you, and it is not personally identifiable. This information includes IP addresses, search terms, domain names and browser types. We use this information to track usage and other patterns on our Websites. We may share this aggregate information with our partners or service providers.

Sharing Personal Information

Granicus may receive personally identifiable information either from you directly, or from our partners or suppliers. In some circumstances, personal information that Granicus receives from you directly may be provided to our partners or suppliers in order for them to fulfill a service. We may also provide your information in order to register your purchase with the manufacturer or service provider for warranty, technical support, or similar purposes.

Granicus also employs other companies to provide services to us in connection with your transaction. We do use companies to process credit card payments, deliver packages, send mail, analyze data, provide marketing aid and assistance, provide customer service, and otherwise provide services to us to enable us to serve you and enhance our services. These organizations may have access to personal information as required to permit them to perform their obligations to us. Personal information may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Granicus or its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents or partners maintain offices, and you consent to any transfer of this information outside of the country in which you reside by your use of this site.

Granicus may be required to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or be asked to respond to other legitimate requests for your personal information from appropriate law enforcement or governmental authorities. We will not provide you with notice of such requests. In such situations, we will release personally identifiable information to third parties when we believe it is appropriate for us to do so in order to comply with the law or to protect against fraud. We will also release such information:

  • to cooperate with law enforcement or other governmental investigations (without necessarily requiring the law enforcement or government agency requesting the information to formally serve us with a subpoena);
  • to comply with all valid court orders or subpoenas;
  • to protect the legal rights of Granicus, its employees, and our users;
  • when we believe it is needed for fraud protection and/or credit risk reduction; and/or,
  • to protect the personal safety of our employees, agents, other users, or the public in general.

Granicus also reserves the right to report to such entities any activities that we believe to be unlawful. Any such report of the activities outlined in (a) through (e) will be made without prior notice to you, and you consent to such disclosure by us.

In the event Granicus merges with another entity, is acquired by another entity, or enters into a business combination with another entity, Granicus may be required to disclose some or all of your personally identifiable information to that entity to continue serving you

Granicus is not in the business of selling, trading or renting personal information. We will not use or share your personally identifiable information with others except those individuals or entities which have a business relationship with Granicus.

Your Choices

You can decide whether or not to provide personal information to Granicus. However, if you do not provide personal information you may not be able to make purchases, enlist services, or access certain offers or options that may be of benefit to you. At the time you provide your information, we will offer you a choice as to whether or not you wish to receive further communications about special offers, product information, or other marketing messages. We may provide this information to our business partners and suppliers. If you choose not to receive these communications, we will not use your personally identifiable information for this purpose.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

If we change our privacy statement, we will post the revised statement here, with an updated revision date. If we make significant changes to our statement , we may also notify you by other means, such as sending an email or posting a notice on our home page.

What Information Does the GovDelivery Communications Cloud Collect? How is That Information Used?

The GovDelivery Communications Cloud only collects personally identifiable information about you to the extent you specifically provide it to us. This includes, for example, the information you provide when you register to receive subscriptions or notices related to a document provided by one of the organizations that we have partnered with.

Information You Provide When Using GovDelivery

We use this information you share with us:

  • to provide the services you request,
  • to improve the content of the Web site, and
  • for announcements related to new content on the portion of the site you were using when you provided the information.

We never share information gathered through our clients with third parties for promotional purposes.

However, we grant select outside vendors limited and controlled access to this information.  These vendors do not use it for any purpose other than to enhance our ability to deliver services to you and other customers and are bound to keep the information confidential.

In some cases, our client organizations using the GovDelivery Communications Cloud service (such as governmental and public bodies) have ownership of the information and its privacy and use is subject to that client organization’s separate privacy policy.  We will also share this information with outside parties as required by law.

Other Information About You

In addition to information you provide (e-mail address, password, subscriptions, preferences), Granicus uses technology that lets us know what type of browser you are using, the Web site from which you enter GovDelivery, and which GovDelivery pages you view. This technology does not identify you personally — it simply helps us compile statistics about our visitors and their use of the GovDelivery application. We use these statistics and share them with third parties only to improve our Web site design and content and in connection with marketing programs.

What If You Do Not Wish to Have Your Information Stored by Granicus for Any Reason or Purpose?

If you have provided your information to Granicus for whatever reason and would prefer that Granicus not store your information for any purpose, simply visit GovDelivery to cancel your subscription and delete your profile. You can also request removal from our database by sending an e-mail to REMOVE stating your request.  We will act promptly to honor your request.


Granicus does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13.  If a child has provided Granicus with personally identifiable information, we ask that a parent or guardian send an e-mail to SUPPORT with the child’s name and we will do our best to delete the information from our files.

Your Consent

By using the Granicus Web site, you consent to our use of the information you provide to us as described in this Online Privacy Policy.  As we implement new technology and introduce new services, we will update our Online Privacy Policy, so we encourage you to review it often.

Safe Harbor

Granicus complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. Granicus has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view Granicus/GovDelivery’s certification, please visit

Granicus Contact Information

If you would like to contact us with questions or comments concerning our Privacy Statement or if you feel your inquiry or request has not been addressed to your satisfaction, please write to us at the following address:

707 17th St., Suite 4000
Denver, CO 80202