Los Alamos National LaboratoryBiosurveillance Gateway
Diagnostics, predictive modelling, and decision support for global and national security


What is biosurveillance?

Biosurveillance is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to help monitor pathogens in plants, animals, humans, food, and the environment.

In the interest of national security, comprehensive biosurveillance can guide mitigation strategies, intervention strategies, and public health decisions.

The Biosurveillance Gateway serves as a centralized portal for resources and research developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory as well as related news and information.

Current COVID-19 Projects at Los Alamos


Link to all Los Alamos COVID-19 Science News Coverage

New York Times included Los Alamos COVID-19 forecasting model in a story on projected disease spread over the next month.

Santa Fe New Mexican published a story on how Los Alamos and Sandia are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Mexico KRQE news featured the Los Alamos COVID-19 forecasting model.

Alina Deshpande and Kirsten Taylor-McCabe explain how scientists prepare for emerging diseases in a blog post on Scientific American.

Kirsten Taylor-McCabe discusses COVID-19 vaccine development in the LA Times.

Paper on coronavirus spread in Emerging Infectious Diseases featured in Bloomberg News and the New York Post.

An article about the effectiveness of social distancing quotes Jeanne Fair in Down To Earth.