The Common Fund Data Ecosystem

Common Fund Data Ecosystem

The Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) is developing an online portal that will allow researchers to access and work across multiple Common Fund (CF) program data sets within a digital cloud environment. CF programs generate a wide range of diverse and valuable data sets designed to be used by the research community to accelerate discovery. However, these data sets reside in different locations and it is challenging or even impossible to work with multiple data sets in an accessible and user-friendly way. The CFDE portal will help remedy this problem by creating a shared resource that helps make CF data sets FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and enables researchers to ask scientific and clinical questions from a single access point.

The CFDE Coordinating Center oversees CFDE activities and works closely with participating CF data coordinating centers to include an initial subset of CF data sets, with plans to expand to additional data sets in the future. The CFDE portal will also develop and deploy a number of resources and tools, including training materials that will be created to empower the research community to use CF data sets for novel scientific research that was not possible before. This may include hypothesis generation, discovery, or validation that leads to new insights in health and disease.

CFDE: Data Coordinating Center Engagement and Examples of Collaborative Use Cases

Click on the various sections of the interactive graphic below to learn about Common Fund Data Coordinating Centers (DCCs) participating in the CFDE and read about examples of use cases being developed by collaborative DCC teams. This graphic will be updated as additional DCCs join and new use cases are developed. To minimize the pop-up boxes simply click on the “X” in the upper right hand corner, or view a different pop-up box by clicking on another area of the interactive graphic.

CFDE Coordinating Center Website

CFDE Portal

CFDE resources for NIH staff (requires NIH log in)


Contact/Follow CFDE

Contact - CFDE   Follow - CFDE

This page last reviewed on November 25, 2020