Grants and Funding

​​​​​ High School ProgramsResearch Funding
NIGMS research requests for applications, program announcements, and notices
Undergraduate and Predoctoral Grant ProgramsResearch Training
NIGMS research training and career development requests for applications, program announcements, and notices
Postdoctoral Grant Programss Research and Administrative Supplements
NIGMS administrative supplements requests for applications, program announcements, and notices
Faculty Programs Small Business Initiatives
NIGMS small business requests for applications, program announcements, and notices 

Funding Opportunities

NIGMS places great emphasis on the support of individual, investigator-initiated grants within its scientific mission areas. Most ​grants are for research projects (R01), but NIGMS also funds small business (SBIR/STTR) grants as well as some research resources. The Institute encourages research in certain scientific areas through requests for applications and program announcements.


This page last reviewed on 4/28/2020 1:56 PM