Science Education


Cellular Structures, Functions, Processes, Imaging, Stress Response

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Being a Scientist

Research Training, Workforce Diversity, Role Models, Scientist Profiles

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Molecular Structures

Molecular Structure and Function, Protein Folding, Research Tools and Methods

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Tools and Techniques

Bioinformatics, Modeling, Systems Biology, Data Visualization

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Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology

Enzymes, Molecular Probes, Metabolic Engineering, Natural Products, Chemical Reactions, Biochemical Actions of Drugs in the Body, Pharmacogenomics, Drug Design, Anesthesiology, Toxicology

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DNA, RNA, Genetic Processes, Developmental Biology, Population Genetics, Evolution, Stem Cells, Research Organisms, Diseases, Sleep Research

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Injury and Illness

Traumatic Injury, Burns, Inflammation, Sepsis, Wound Healing, Immunology

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Science Education Types

Findings and other NIGMS publications can be used to enhance knowledge provided in textbooks and lecture materials in high school science courses, including introductory biology, honors/advanced placement biology, anatomy, science and technology, chemistry, health, and others.


Related Information

Virtual learning and classr​oom resources

This page last reviewed on 9/17/2020 12:51 PM