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Paleo Data Search

NCEI offers search and download of Paleoclimatic proxy data and Paleoclimate Reconstructions from the NOAA/World Data Service for Paleoclimatology archives. Over 10,000 data sets are available, derived from natural sources such as tree rings, ice cores, corals, and ocean and lake sediments. Use the General search box or Advanced search to improve filtering by investigators, locations, keywords and time periods. Data files for the entire result set, or a subset of it, can be downloaded as a single compressed file. A web service is also provided that you can use to get Paleo studies' metadata in JSON format. See the API help page for details. You can also see some tips for using this page by clicking here.

Something went wrong with that search.
We are experiencing high system load and that search took too long to return.
Wait a moment and try again, or add more constraints to your search.
Invalid search parameters specified.
No studies found with those constraints.
{{objSize(dataService.headers)}} study found, scroll down to view it.
{{objSize(dataService.headers)}} studies found, scroll down to view them.
The text search field supports Oracle Text parameters, such as 'AND', 'OR', and wildcards '%' and '_'. Special characters, like hyphens (-), semicolons (;), and single quotes ('), can be searched literally by escaping them with a backslash (\), for example as '\-' for a hyphen. See the api documentation entry for searchText for more details. X

Data Publisher

neotoma logo
noaa logo
pangaea logo
NOAA/WDS for Paleoclimatology
Please select at least one Data Publisher to search.

Data Type

Data Types not selectable when searching Neotoma or PANGAEA archives.




Location names not searchable when searching Neotoma or PANGAEA archives.
Min Max
Min Latitude must be less than Max
Min Latitude must be between -90 and 90
Max Latitude must be between -90 and 90
Min Max
Min Longitude must be between -180 and 180
Max Longitude must be between -180 and 180
Elevation (m)
Min Max
Min Elevation must be less than Max
Elevation not searchable when searching PANGAEA archive.
Lat: {{}}, Lon: {{searchMapCoords.lon}}




Keywords and variables are not searchable when searching Neotoma or PANGAEA archives.
Some selected data types do not have variables values, and will not return any results.

 Tree Species



Time not searchable when searching Neotoma or PANGAEA archives.
Years   CE   cal yr BP (0 = 1950 CE)
Earliest Most Recent
Earliest year CE must be less than latest
Latest year BP must be less than earliest
User defined time bounds { }
Overlap any portion of matching datasets
   {                 }
Are entirely overlapped by matching datasets
   {                 }
Overlap entire matching datasets
   {                 }
API URL for these parameters:
There are errors in your search parameters:
Something went wrong with that search.
We are experiencing high system load and that search took too long to return.
Wait a moment and try again, or add more constraints to your search.
Invalid search parameters specified.
No studies found with those constraints.

Search Results (1 study) Search Results ({{objSize(dataService.headers)}} studies)

No climate reconstructions in these search results.
{{header.dataPublisher}} {{header.studyName}}{{header.primaryInvestigator ? " (" + header.primaryInvestigator + ")" : ""}}
There are errors in your download parameters:
Something went wrong with that preview.
We are experiencing high system load and that preview took too long to return.
Wait a moment and try again, or add more constraints to your search.
Invalid search parameters specified.
Download Preview
The following data files will be included in this download. Some files are not available for bulk download.
No data files to download from these results. Only metadata will be downloaded.
Data Download Status
{{dataService.bundle.status.status}} : {{dataService.bundle.status.message}} ({{dataService.bundle.status.percent}}%)
Don't want to wait? Check here later:
status link
Loading that study took too long, we'll work on that.


Selected Site:

{{site.siteName}} (Lat/Lon: {{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[0]}}, {{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[1]}}) (Lat/Lon: {{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[0]}}:{{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[1]}}, {{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[2]}}:{{site.geo.geometry.coordinates[3]}})



Citation Information:



{{dataService.currentStudy.doi}} {{dataService.currentStudy.doi}}
study datatype image
Lat: {{}}, Lon: {{studyMapCoords.lon}}

Download Data:

Data File Variable Format: data type, what, material, error, unit, seasonality, detail, method, info
Data Files For All Sites
{{dataFile.urlDescription}} {{dataFile.linkText}} {{dataFile.fileUrl}}
{{variable.cvDataTypeDisplay}}, {{variable.cvMergedDisplay}}
{{site.siteName || 'Unspecified'}}
{{dataFile.urlDescription}} {{dataFile.linkText}} {{dataFile.fileUrl}}
{{variable.cvDataTypeDisplay}}, {{variable.cvMergedDisplay}}
{{site.siteName || 'Unspecified'}}
{{dataFile.urlDescription}} {{dataFile.linkText}} {{dataFile.fileUrl}}
{{variable.cvDataTypeDisplay}}, {{variable.cvMergedDisplay}}

Use Constraints:




Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Latitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.southLat != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.southLat : "Unknown"}}
Longitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.eastLon != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.eastLon : "Unknown"}}
Southernmost Latitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.southLat != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.southLat : "Unknown"}}
Northernmost Latitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.northLat != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.northLat : "Unknown"}}
Westernmost Longitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.westLon != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.westLon : "Unknown"}}
Easternmost Longitude: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.eastLon != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.eastLon : "Unknown"}}
Minimum Elevation: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.minElev != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.minElev +" m" : "Unknown"}}
Maximum Elevation: {{dataService.currentStudyCoverage.maxElev != null ? dataService.currentStudyCoverage.maxElev +" m" : "Unknown"}}
Earliest Year: {{dataService.currentStudy.earliestYearBP != null ? dataService.currentStudy.earliestYearBP +" cal yr BP (" + dataService.currentStudy.earliestYearCE +" CE)" : "Unknown"}}
Most Recent Year: {{dataService.currentStudy.mostRecentYearBP != null ? dataService.currentStudy.mostRecentYearBP +" cal yr BP (" + dataService.currentStudy.mostRecentYearCE +" CE)" : "Unknown"}}

Science Keywords:


Tree Species:

{{species.speciesCode}} ({{species.scientificName}})




data type what material error unit seasonality detail method info
{{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{component.display}} {{variable.cvAdditionalInfo}}



Study Notes:


Additional References:


Contact Information:

{{}}, {{dataService.currentStudy.contactInfo.state}} {{dataService.currentStudy.contactInfo.postalCode}}

When using general search, simply choose one or more Data Publishers, and enter some text to search for. By default all Data Types are searched, but you can select one or more to limit your search to only studies of the selected types.

The text search field supports Oracle Text parameters, such as 'AND', 'OR', and wildcards '%' and '_'. Special characters, like hyphens (-), semicolons (;), and single quotes ('), can be searched literally by escaping them with a backslash (\), for example as '\-' for a hyphen. See the api documentation entry for searchText for more details.

Advanced search uses the fields from the general section, as well as several more detailed options. Note that, due to the granularity of metadata provided to us, many of these options are not available depending on which Data Providers are selected. Some options, such as tree species, are only available for certain Data Types. For all fields, if nothing is specified by the user then the field does not constrain the search. If values from more than one field are selected, the result is the intersection of those groups of values.

  • Investigators, Locations, Keywords, and Species: Click on one or more values from the options on the left to constrain the search. If more than one value is selected, choose AND or OR to find studies containing all of the values or any of them. Each shuttle contains a filter area where text can be entered to narrow the list of selectable values. This text does not affect search results. Note that investigators' names are not standardized between publishers, and may appear multiple times in a select box with different abbreviations (e.g. "Abbot, Mark B." and "Abbot, M.B.").
  • Location Lat/Lon/Elevation: Values can be entered to constrain the search to a specific area, or the bounding box on the map can be manually resized. Latitudes should be within the range -90 to 90, and Longitudes from -180 to 180. Longitude values can cross the antimeridian, e.g. the range 170 to -170 is valid. Elevations can be positive or negative.
  • Variables: Terms can be chosen to constrain the types of measurements returned. Measured quantities are described using terms from the PaST Thesaurus in all but five data types (Other Collections, Plant Macrofossils, Pollen, Repository, Software), which can be searched using Keywords. Searches can be made on controlled terms for three fields: the quantity being measured ("What"), the material on which the measurement was made ("Material"), and the season being explicitly reconstructed ("Seasonality"). Search results include the union of multiple terms selected for the same field and the intersection of terms selected for each of the three fields, for example: ["What #1" OR "What #2"] AND ["Material #1"] AND ["Seasonality #1"].
  • Time: Time can be searched in years CE or years BP. These are functionally equivalent when converted correctly, and are provided for convenience only. Time constraints can be applied in three ways:
    • Overlap Any: Matches studies where any part of the time coverage lies between the specified min and max
    • Entirely Overlapped By: Matches studies with time coverages that completely bound the specified min and max
    • Overlap Entirely: Matches studies with time coverages that are completely bounded by the specified min and max

Search parameters can be used to find data files in selected studies for bundling in two different ways:

  • File Match: Only data files which match your search parameters will be included, regardless of matches on other data files in the same study. This is the narrower search option.
  • Study Match: All data files will be included from each selected study where any data file matches your search parameters. This is the broader search option.

Keyword searches filter by broad categories, such as geochemistry or population abundance, and are the only option for data types for which controlled variables have not been established. Variables searches allow filtering by specific proxy indicators such as Mg/Ca or delta 18O, and have been implemented for most data types.

The NOAA/World Data Center Paleoclimatology data search includes a "Data Download" option, which when selected will create a compressed zip file of the data meeting your search criteria, with some exceptions. Data held by our partners NEOTOMA and PANGAEA, as well as external links to Software and Data Repositories, will not be included in the data download. To obtain these data it will still be necessary to follow the individual data links presented in search results. In addition, NOAA/WDC Paleoclimatology has chosen to exempt some data sets from the bundling process because they generate large numbers of files when the "by Study" option is selected. These data sets will also need to be downloaded by following the individual data links in the search results. The NOAA/WDC Paleoclimatology data sets exempted from bundling are Studies containing hundreds of individual locations, i.e. gridded drought data products, the borehole temperature database, CLIMAP18k, LDEO CaCO3 database, and the Global Charcoal database.

Test our new search by measured variable and send comments to Some datasets contributed in 2018 will not be returned in the variables search while we continue to enhance our updating capabilities, but all other search functions remain fully operational. This search was developed through a partnership between NOAA, the University of Colorado, and the U.S. National Science Foundation.