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Inclusion Policies for Research Involving Humans Subjects

NIH is committed to supporting clinical research that benefits individuals of all sexes/genders, races, ethnicities, and ages. The information provided on this website is designed to assist the extramural community in addressing inclusion, including the Inclusion of Women and Minorities policy and the Inclusion Across the Lifespan policy, in NIH grant applications and progress reports.

Birds eye view of shoes on a street with two arrows pointing in differnet directions

Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects 

Learn more about the inclusion of women and minorities policy and requirements for NIH-funded clinical research.

Infographic screenshot

Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects

Find out more about NIH policies and procedures for age-related inclusion in research involving human subjects.

This page last updated on June 20, 2019
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