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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1359

Macromolecular Architectures

There is always a degree of uncertainty surrounding measurements of polymeric materials, especially complex mixtures of with varying distributions in chemistry

Research Data Framework (RDaF)

In the past decade, research data have become widely recognized as a critical national and global resource, and the risks of losing or mismanaging research data


JARVIS-ML is a repository of machine learning (ML) model parameters, descriptors, and ML related input and target data. JARVIS-ML is a part of the NIST-JARVIS

Neuromorphic Device Measurements

Neuromorphic computing is a radical new approach to information processing for artificial intelligence where, instead of using digital electronics, inspiration

Quantum Transport Measurements

We are developing the foundational knowledge and measurement infrastructure that will facilitate the use of solid state systems with emergent quantum properties

Spintronics for Neuromorphic Computing

One of the most promising new approaches to next generation information processing is spintronics, where information is carried with electronic spin rather than

Temporal Computing

The human brain does some types of information processing, like speech recognition, image recognition, or video processing, much more efficiently than can be

Theory of Spin-Orbit Torque

The working of countless electronic devices involves electric and magnetic effects interacting within nanostructured materials. In the phenomenon known as spin