What You Need to Know

Learn about the awards process, how to make your proposal as competitive as possible, and find the practical administrative information you need to begin.

Solicitation Process Overview

  • ECA does not accept unsolicited proposals
  • All solicitations are developed by ECA Program Offices
  • Solicitations must be approved by the Assistant Secretary
  • Approved NOFOs are published ECA's website and on Grants.gov

More information for applicants arrow

Filmmaker Anayansi Prado meets with students in Burma.
Make your proposal the best it can be

Give your organization the best chance possible by following these basic proposal guidelines.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

Organizations Must:

  • Be a U.S. public and non-profit organizations meeting the provisions in Internal Revenue Code sections 26 UCS 501 (c) (3)
  • Have documentation of nonprofit status with IRS at time of application
  • Meet any additional requirements specified in each RFGP

There is a $130K limit for organizations that cannot demonstrate a minimum four-year track record of conducting International exchanges

Looking for CFDA Numbers?

The GSA has assigned Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers to the ECA programs - find the information you need here.