A National Digital Stewardship Resident at the U.S. Senate

This is a guest post by John Caldwell. On Friday, January 29, 2016, I hosted my fellow National Digital Stewardship residents, their mentors, and the NDSR program staff to our cohort’s first enrichment session at the US Senate. The morning started with two presentations. First, Mark Evans, Director of Digital Archives and Information Resources Management […]

Advancing Institutional Progress through Digital Repository Assessment

The following is a guest post by Jessica Tieman. Three quarters of the way into my twelve-month National Digital Stewardship Residency at the U.S. Government Publishing Office, I reflect on the success and challenges of my project. I also recognize how the outcome of my work will impact the future of the GPO, its business units, the communities within the […]

Assessing Digital Preservation at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

The following is a guest post by Alice Sara Prael. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library began the “Access to Legacy” project in 2007 with the goal to digitize, describe, and permanently retain millions of presidential documents, photographs, and audiovisual recordings. Since the project began the Library has accumulated over 150 terabytes of data. With […]