Archived Projects

Projects are archived because the Board has either (1) issued a final document that closes the project or (2) closed the project in favor of committing resources towards more pressing issues.

ProjectResulting Product(s), if applicable
AICPA OmnibusSFFAS 39, Subsequent Events: Codification of Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards Contained in the AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards (PDF)
Application of the Liability Definition
N/A – Project subsumed by the broader Risk Assumed project.
Asbestos-Related LiabilitiesTechnical Bulletin 2006-1, Recognition and Measurement of Asbestos-Related Cleanup Costs (PDF)

Technical Release 10, Implementation Guidance on Asbestos Cleanup Costs Associated with Facilities and Installed Equipment (PDF)
Budget and Accrual ReconciliationSFFAS 53 Budget and Accrual Reconciliation (PDF)
Concepts – ElementsSFFAC 5 – Definitions of Elements and Basic Recognition Criteria for Accrual-Basis Financial Statements (PDF)
Concepts – The Financial ReportSFFAC 8 – Federal Financial Reporting (PDF)
Concepts - Measurement Attributes

SFFAC 7 – Measurement of the Elements of Accrual-Basis Financial Statements in Periods After Initial Recording (PDF)
Concepts – ObjectivesFASAB’s Strategic Directions: Clarifying FASAB’s Near-Term Role in Achieving the Objectives of Federal Financial Reporting (PDF)
Concepts – Reporting EntitySFFAS 47, Reporting Entity (PDF)
Deferral of the Transition to Basic Information for Long-Term ProjectionsSFFAS 46 - Deferral of the Transition to Basic Information for Long-Term Projections (PDF)
SFFAS 45 - Deferral of the Transition to Basic Information for Long-Term Projections (PDF)
Deferred Maintenance & Asset Impairment

SFFAS 40 - Definitional Changes Related to Deferred Maintenance and Repairs: Amending Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 6, Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment (PDF)

SFFAS 42 - Deferred Maintenance and Repairs: Amending Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 6, 14, 29, and 32 (PDF)

SFFAS 44 - Accounting for Impairment of General Property, Plant, and Equipment Remaining in Use (PDF)
DoD Implementation Guidance RequestSFFAS 48, Opening Balances for Inventory, Operating Materials & Supplies, and Stockpile Materials (PDF)

SFFAS 50, Establishing Opening Balances for General Property, Plant, and Equipment: Amending Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 6, SFFAS 10, SFFAS 23, and Rescinding SFFAS 35 (PDF) (PDF)
Earmarked Funds – Evaluation of Existing StandardsSFFAS 43, Dedicated Collections: Amending SFFAS 27, Identifying and Reporting Earmarked Funds (PDF)
Estimating the Historical Cost of General Property, Plant, and Equipment
SFFAS 35 - Estimating the Historical Cost of General Property, Plant, and Equipment -- Amending Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 6 and 23 (PDF)
Evaluation of Existing StandardsTechnical Bulletin 2020-1: Loss Allowance for Intragovenrnmental Receivables (PDF)

Interpretation 9: Cleanup Cost Liabilities Involving Multiple Component Reporting Entities: An Interpretation of SFFAS 5 & SFFAS 6

Staff Implementation Guidance 6.1: Clarification of Paragraphs 40-41 of SFFAS 6, Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment, as amended (PDF)

SFFAS 55: Amending Inter-entity Cost Provisions (PDF)

Technical Bulletin 2017-1: Intragovernmental Exchange Transactions (PDF)

Technical Bulletin 2017-2: Assigning Assets to Component Reporting Entities
FASB Reporting by Federal Entities SFFAS 34 – The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Federal Entities, Including the Application of Standards Issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (PDF)
Fiscal Sustainability Reporting: SFFAS 36
SFFAS 36 – Reporting Comprehensive Long-Term Fiscal Projections for the U.S. Government (PDF)
Grant Programs: Accrual Estimates
Technical Release 12 - Accrual Estimates for Grant Programs (PDF)
Heritage Assets/Stewardship Land
SFFAS 29 – Heritage Assets and Stewardship Land (PDF)
Technical Release 9 – Implementation Guide for SFFAS 29: Heritage Assets and Stewardship Land (PDF)
Insurance ProgramsSFFAS 51, Insurance Programs (PDF)
Inter-entity CostsSFFAS 30 – Inter-Entity Cost Implementation Amending SFFAS 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Standards and Concepts (PDF)
Technical Release 8: Clarification of Standard Relating to Inter-Entity Costs (PDF)
Investments and Other Equity Interests in Non-Federal EntitiesN/A – Project Deferred.
Managerial Cost Accounting - Federal Reporting ModelJune 15, 2010, Forum on Managerial Cost Accounting: Requirements, Uses, and Best Practices
March 16, 2011, FASAB Forum on Managerial Cost Accounting Part II: Usefulness of MCA Beyond the Widgets
Natural ResourcesSFFAS 38, Accounting for Federal Oil and Gas Resources (PDF)

SFFAS 41, Deferral of the Effective Date of SFFAS 38, Accounting for Federal Oil and Gas Resources (PDF)

Technical Bulletin 2011-1, Accounting for Federal Natural Resources Other Than Oil and Gas (PDF)
Reporting Changes in Assumptions and Other Issues
SFFAS 33 – Pensions, Other Retirement Benefits, and Other Post-employment benefits: Reporting Gains and Losses from Changes in Assumptions and Selecting Discount Rates and Valuation Dates (PDF)
Reporting Model Phase I: MD&A and Stewardship Investments ImprovementsN/A – Project subsumed by the MD&A project.
Risk Reporting
N/A – Closed Without Issuance
Social Insurance
SFFAS 37 – Social Insurance: Additional Requirements for Management's Discussion and Analysis and Basic Financial Statements (PDF)
Staff Implementation Guidance 31.1: Guidance for Implementation of Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 31, Accounting for Fiduciary ActivitiesStaff Implementation Guidance 31.1: Guidance for Implementation of Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 31, Accounting for Fiduciary Activities (PDF)
Stewardship InvestmentsN/A – Deferred until further notice
Tax ExpendituresSFFAS 52, Tax Expenditures