WAPA » Renewables » Guides to renewable development

Guides to renewable development

​Western offers a variety of guidebooks and publications on compact disks (CD) to our customers free of charge.  Contact Renewable Resources to request any of these publications.

  • Effective Public Participation for Municipal Utilities/Public Participation for Community-owned Utilities (2007) Funded by a grant from American Public Power Association's (APPA) Demonstration of Energy-efficient Development (DEED) program. 
  • Establishing an In-house Wind Maintenance Program: A Case Study of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (2009) Sponsored by APPA's DEED program, Western Area Power Administration and the Wind Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 
  • Fifteen Case Studies: Public Power Investments in Wind (2009) Sponsored by APPA's DEED program, Western Area Power Administration and DOE's Wind Program. 
  • Guidebook to Expanding the Role of Renewables in a Power Supply Portfolio (2007) Prepared for APPA's DEED program by Alterra Energy, Inc. Sponsored by Gila Resources and Western Area Power Administration.
  • Small Wind Electric Systems: A U.S. Consumer's Guide (2007) Sponsored by DOE, Western Area Power Administration and DOE's Wind Program. 
  • Wind Handbook for Electric Cooperatives: An Introduction to Wind Developmentcreated new page from Resource Planning Objectives through Technology Procurement Options (2009) Sponsored by the USDOE, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association  (NRECA), Western Area Power Administration and DOE's Wind Program. 
  • Wind Workshop in a Box: A resource kit to assist in educating your community about wind energy (2009) Developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council  (IRECA), Western Area Power Administration and DOE's Wind Program.
Page Last Updated: 12/28/2017 1:00 PM