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Ice Core

GISP2 drill dome, Greenland.  Photo by Mark Twickler.                    Ice Core from Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru.  Photo by Lonnie Thompson                      Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru.  Photo by Lonnie Thompson

The World Data Center (WDC) for Paleoclimatology maintains archives of ice core data from polar and low-latitude mountain glaciers and ice caps throughout the world. Proxy climate indicators include oxygen isotopes, methane concentrations, dust content, as well as many other parameters.

Obtaining Data at the World Data Center

Search Datasets

  • Ice Core Search Engine
    ​Search through ice core studies using Investigator, Title, Location Name, Parameters, and Latitude/Longitude Bounds.
  • Interactive Map
    Select study locations by region, proximity to a point, or text-based attributes.
  • Google Earth Map
    Locate and download ice core studies using a Google Earth map interface. Google Earth must be installed to use this search tool.
  • Search All Paleoclimatology Data
    Access a free text search of our entire study archive.
  • NCEI Paleo Web Service
    ​Harvest ice core study metadata records using the NCEI Paleo Web Service.

Browse Datasets

Contributing Data

Investigators who wish to contribute their data to our Ice Core archive can find information on contributing below. Data and study description information can be contributed by emailing your data to

Other Data Archives

Additional sources for data and information on ice cores and climate science.