Compound Interest Calculator

Determine how much your money can grow using the power of compound interest. Money handed over to a fraudster won’t grow and won’t likely be recouped. So before committing any money to an investment opportunity, use the “Check Out Your Investment Professional” search tool below the calculator to find out if you’re dealing with a registered investment professional. 



Step 1: Initial Investment

Amount of money that you have available to invest initially.

Step 2: Contribute

Amount that you plan to add to the principal every month, or a negative number for the amount that you plan to withdraw every month.
Length of time, in years, that you plan to save.

Step 3: Interest Rate

Your estimated annual interest rate.
Range of interest rates (above and below the rate set above) that you desire to see results for.

Step 4: Compound It

Times per year that interest will be compounded.

Next Steps

Savings Goal Calculator

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Find out how much you need to save each month to reach a specific amount.

Required Minimum Distribution Calculator

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Find out how much you are required to withdraw from your retirement fund at various ages.