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Image of the Week: Energy Department investments are exploring for geothermal power from abundant natural resources in Alaska. photo courtesy of Frontier Scientists.

Image of the Week: Energy Department investments are exploring for geothermal power from abundant natural resources in Alaska. photo courtesy of Frontier Scientists.

Here you'll find links to online resources for photos of geothermal energy technologies, applications, projects, resources, and attractions. 

Energy Department GTO EGS Demonstration site photos

Energy Department GTO Hydrothermal project photos

Energy Department Low-Temperature Geothermal photos

DOE funds more than 150 geothermal projects, leveraging over $500 million in combined investments, in research, development, and demonstration nationwide to help bring down cost and risk of industry-wide adoption of this clean energy resource. The above phot resources pictorially represent the Energy Department progress worldwide.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Photographic Information Exchange (PIX)

A database of thousands of renewable energy and energy efficiency technology photos. Features hundreds of photos of geothermal technologies, applications, and projects. Many of the photos used on this website can be obtained from PIX. Before using a photo, please read the PIX Disclaimer and Use Policy.

Geothermal Education Office Slide Show

Features more than 100 photos of geothermal energy technologies and applications.

Salton Sea Photo Gallery

Features restoration, geothermal, and environmental photos of the Salton Sea in California.

Yellowstone Geothermal Features

Provides photos of and information about geothermal attractions at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory Photo Archives

Features volcano photos of Mount St. Helens in Washington state.

Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands – Selected Photographs

Features images from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Volcanoes of Hawaii: Photo Gallery

Features images from the U.S. Geological Survey.

For video animation of geothermal energy systems, click here. For more information about geothermal energy basics, click here.

Images on our website which are in the public domain may be used without permission. If you use images from our website, we ask that you credit "U.S. Department of Energy" as the source. Please note that some images on our site may have been obtained from other organizations. Permission to use these images should be obtained directly from those organizations.